Sneaky Dancer foaled out in the pasture

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Oh, there are few things more frustrating than a foal that doesn't "get" nursing! I really feel for you! Watching you on the cam right now, trying to help him out. Hang in there, he looks beautiful, and he WILL figure it out eventually (hopefully before you pull all your hair out!) Sending prayers and good thoughts!
okay im ready to pull my hair out. I have tried every trick in the book i know. he seems very healthy and alert now but just will not bend down to the udder. he was giving me hickies
wish he would give his darn some!
How many hours ago was he born, do you figure? sounds like you got plenty of colostrum in him, maybe now just sit back and let him get hungry enough to figure it out hiimself? Did you rub milk on Dancer's teats so as to entice him to the right place?

Have any of the rest of you noticed that it seems to be the colts that have trouble figuring out how to nurse? The fillies tend to get it much faster.

I'm trying to see what the colt is doing now but he's hiding behind his dam...
hes now 4 hrs old so thats why im getting so worried. I love my vet but hate his office workers. I just called again and I know they did not tell him. growls. I really dont like to keep feeding him as he thinks im his dam and thats not good.

I smeared milk everywhere hoping he would follow it.

And I do think colts are slower to get the hang of things

hes had very good bowel movements so thats good
Oh heck, you are doing good, if he's just four hours old! You've gotten colostrum in him, he's good for now. I agree that if you keep feeding him he's not going to figure it out. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is step back and let them figure it out on their own. The more we help the more we confuse them, and both our and our foal's frustration levels rise.
If you absolutely HAVE to help, just point him in the right direction, no more automatic feeding (unless you feed from between Dancers legs so he starts figuring out the approximate area.) He looks on the cam to be waiting for his next meal to be *delivered*, he's not even trying, and he needs to learn that he's going to have to go get it himself.
just got off the phone with the vet. he said to make him go 2 hours and then feed him to try and force him to nurse. The vet thinks that because he was so cold when he was born that he was a bit of a dummy foal and i do agree. He said when they get cold like that they take longer to figure stuff out. So Im going to stay out of there until 5 and then feed him with a bottle as the vet feels we are not getting enough cc's into him.
He'll be fine, Kay--with you at the helm. What a racer he is! Just how many runs around the stall has he done now? Surely he's working up a hearty appetite!

How will you explain those hickies to Russ?
I am so in love
we never have had many colts born here and I have to say kyle is very attached to this guy too. Man its hard forcing myself to stay out until 5!! It does look like hes trying much harder now
Sounds like your doing a great job.I know its hard standing back.We had a colt the other night,He wouldnt bend down to find the faucets either.I kept taking his head trying to help but he would only stand there.I was so nervous-kept saying something is wrong.My husband would say give him time-he needs to dry off and warm up first.Well you know how that goes,I had to milk mom and feed him just to be sure-I also gave the equine iGg,I honestly dont know if he needed it but I was feeling how you are feeling...'What else can I do for him was my thought" Give him a little time.Turns out my lil guy is just fine.I think we as new moms panic a bit,Breath easy-Im sure he will be fine
Congratulations on your new boy...will keep pulling for him....
well the bottle didnt go well. he cant suck hard enough. what kind of bottle do you guys use?? I had to syringe him again and I hate doing that as Im afraid of aspirating
Maybe try boiling the nipple to soften it and then enlarge the opening a little bit..
I've enlarged the nipple hole before with one like that, but I've never had much luck getting a foal to suck an artificial nipple. I hope you have better luck than I have.

Does the vet need to pass a tube and leave it in place for 12-24 hours? for feeding?

I'll be praying for your little one!

Kay, is he warm enough? I don't know what your temps are up there, but if he's too cold, he won't try as hard.

And yeah, colts are always more difficult than fillies with the nursing thing!

Good luck with him. Keeping my fingers crossed that he gets it figured out soon.
i just called the vet again. the vet really thought if I bottle fed him he would come out of this. He doesnt seem cold anymore but im going to try and find something small enough to put on him. he sucks the bottle but not nearly hard enough to make the milk come out

my back is killing me!
Try the playtex baby bottle with the bottom that has the air holes. I am trying to remember but I think they are called advance. They don't airlock and are easy for them to suck. Soft nipples too. I hope that helps out and he starts nursing really soon. Good luck!
Sending prayers your way that he will pick up real soon..
Like others have said, if anyone can do this, it is you!!! You are a wonderful mini momma!!

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