Sneaky Dancer foaled out in the pasture

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its a good thing this guy is so cute.

vet just called again. he would prefer not to tube him unless we have to so he said to keep trying. he wont track the bottle or a finger its like he doesnt see it unless you put it in his mouth. he will suck everything but his dams udder. Which the vet said is typical of a dummy foal

its going to be a long night
Take your vitamins and get the coffee. All the prayers in the world your little boy will latch on to Momma right now, get a big belly full. Thoughts are with you. I only have a blackberry, can't see the little guy on the net. What does he look like?

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Can you put him in place and have kyle feed from the other side under the mares bag. Cut the top of the nipple open a little more. Lambs nipples work great for the minis - you local feedstore might have them. We had the same thing with little Filmore - it was a good 6-8 hours before he was nursing on his own (and he has not quit since).

Good luck, Lisa - Ozark
well i am truly blessed with the best hubby in the world. he came home and got him to finally nurse!! now we are going to let him get really hungry and show him one more time. i love my husband!

I think kyle and i are so tired it helped to have a fresh person

Hubbys are wonderful things to have

Keep us posted!!!

He sure is a cutie!!
I can't wait to see "real" pics. He certainly looks healthy. I haven't seen him find the spicket yet........but the mare isn't doing a great job assisting either! In fact, every time he's in the right general area she turns and goes the other way! How frustrating!
I'm sure he'll be fine though......just may be another long night for you! I have a "sneaky" Dancer too!
we got him latched on so good i really thought hed figure it out now but watching the cam it sure doesnt look like hes even close. hubby is going out with me and try again.
sounds like you're making progress! Aren't hubbys just the greatest? Have fingers and toes crossed that this is the HOUR!

i was so hopeful but that didnt go well at all. now he faints when we try to help him nurse. we had to give up and bottle feed him again
i was so hopeful but that didnt go well at all. now he faints when we try to help him nurse. we had to give up and bottle feed him again
Prayer for your little colt.
He sure is a cutie pie and loves you from what I can see on cam.

Our little filly Scarlet started out a lot like your colt. She was diagnosed as a dummy foal and although she initially appeared to nurse she really wasn't. She was running around just like your little guy for the first 16 or so hours. She also started fainting about 12 hours after birth. I don't know if you have the ability to do this, but I really believe the IV fluids are what kept her alive until she "got it." Your guy wouldn't have to be on it 24/7. The vet could come out and put the cath in and then every few hours you would hook him up for a bit. Just a thought.

Sending prayers!
Just watched u feed him on the cam. What a cutie he is!! And totaly attached to you all!! Looks like he thinks u are where the food is
Best of luck.
when we first went out we thought for sure he was nursing but he was sucking on the side of her udder. ughhhh. we tried to show him and he fainted again so back to the bottle

I called and talked to 2 diff vets and both said to just keep feeding him
he said he could tube him but drinking from a bottle was way better then tubing.

Hes so stolen my heart

If anyone sees him nurse please email me
Kay - sending good thoughts your way for your adorable new little guy. I'm sure he will find the additional source of the Vittles in the next day or two.
HES NURSING!!! yeahhhhhhhhh. thank you all so much for sending good thoughts and prayers. thank you also to the people who let me know he was finally latched on. Kyle and I had to get some sleep and I so appreciate you all watching for me
Kay, so glad to hear things are improving.

Note: I had a fainter once( after a red bag delivery. Gave her a finger full of karo( pancake syrup will do) and I think it helped. I kept it up every couple hours for a few times, and no more fainting. Not sure if scientifucally it helped but the fainting did stop.

6:01 AM He's nursing like there's no tomorrow!
He has it DOWN!

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