Now I hate to be the peastier, but you know, all this hype about the swine flu, it just makes me shake my head. I don't know the exact number, but thousands of people die of the flu each year, I just can't wrap my head around why everyone is freaking out over this one. Yes, its proably wise to get a vaccine, and its also proably wise to get the seasonal flu shot, but really, I think everyones just blowing this WAY out of proportion.
Me, as a highschool student, MAY get the vaccine, I am consulting my mother(a nurse) about it as she would know of any uncertainities in the vaccine. But besides that, i'm doing what i do ever year: wash hands, no sharing food or drink, not touching my face with my hands, and carrying around hand sanitizer. Sadly, for all that, im still here right now with a headache and runny nose; what fun!