So who's got the Swine Flu?

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We went and got our H1N1 vaccines today. County giving them out for free they did over 2500 vaccines last weekend and today we waiting for 4 hours in the freezing cold and wind but got it done. When we were leaving the line was literally almost 1 mile long with people waiting and this was supposed to be the high priority group
Urgh, with lines that big, and if just a few of the people waiting were coming down with H1N1 already...

It's "free" and going like it's going because the gov't is administering the vaccines. Look into the "_______ Government Vaccine Buying Program" if you wonder why there are, each year, flu vaccine shortages ... ..........................................
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I agree Jill and we were talking about the irony of waiting in cold damp windy weather and how many would get sick just from that 2 of the larger school districts have been vaccinating kids at the schools so that was supposed to help make the lines smaller. At least next year it should be in the seasonal flu vaccine so only one shot instead of 2 well hopefully anyway
Now I hate to be the peastier, but you know, all this hype about the swine flu, it just makes me shake my head. I don't know the exact number, but thousands of people die of the flu each year, I just can't wrap my head around why everyone is freaking out over this one. Yes, its proably wise to get a vaccine, and its also proably wise to get the seasonal flu shot, but really, I think everyones just blowing this WAY out of proportion.

Me, as a highschool student, MAY get the vaccine, I am consulting my mother(a nurse) about it as she would know of any uncertainities in the vaccine. But besides that, i'm doing what i do ever year: wash hands, no sharing food or drink, not touching my face with my hands, and carrying around hand sanitizer. Sadly, for all that, im still here right now with a headache and runny nose; what fun!
There is a Ton of hype about the Swine flu and the the vaccine.

If you go to the wonderful website you can read about all the deaths from the H1N1 vaccine that are happening in Sweden and many other countries. You would not hear about any of this on regular corporately owned media. Here is a great video on the seasonal flu shot.

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I work at a nursing home ,which is a branch from our hospital (sort of extended care from those leaving the hospital, with several elderly residents full time as well of course) just up in town. We have several RN's on staff and I talk with them, have lunch with them a lot and they said that it just seems like they came up with the vaccination WAY to fast and they are not getting the vaccine for that reason. We have several cases here locally.

Honestly, I'm not sure if i exactly believe in this swine flu either - Like said, lots of people die each year from the flu ... but it is odd that these are younger adult cases as most of the time it is the elderly.

....they just came up with the vaccination WAY to fast imo.

Sorry - I am skipping the vaccination ... but I did however get my regular flu shot like I do every year. It is required where I work.
They came up with this vaccine as fast as they come up with the annual flu vaccine using the same techniques. How is that too fast?
Just came from my sons diabetes check up. The Dr said its running ram-pit here in this part of Idaho. Kids are very susceptible to it. He said if my son shows any of the symptoms to get him to a Dr within 48 hrs and they can give him and us a drug, starts with a T but can't remember what it is. NO vacinnes are available here either.
The reason that this H1N1 flu is a "big deal" is for several reasons. One reason is that is it is a newly mutated flu virus, and hardly anyone has any kind of resistance to it, unlike the seasonal flu virus which, though it does mutate, does so more slowly and a majority of people have at least some kind of resistance. Another reason it is seen as such a threat is that the H1N1 is acting very much like the "especially virulent" strain of flu did in the pandemic of 1918-1919, in that it is affecting many otherwise healthy people and killing them. It started the same way, with the first "wave" of cases in the spring and summer, with most cases being rather mild, although some people were still dying from it. The next wave of cases began in the fall, with more severe cases and many more deaths. As for the last part, it remains to be seen if the H1N1 will also have another wave in the spring. But seeing as the "Great Pandemic" of the early 1900's killed at lest 20 million people around the world (reports aren't entirely accurate and the numbers could have been far higher) it's entirely possible that a similar or even higher number of deaths may occur now.

In the United States alone, 675,000 people died, out of a population of 105 million.
If the H1N1 continues to affect people as the flu virus did in the early 1900's, it's going to make a very large impact on pretty much everyone.

Here's the link to some info on the "Great Pandemic" if anyone is interested:

Pandemic of 1919
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Magic said it.. hit the nail on the head it is not hype yes many die from the flu every year however this particular strain is effecting a previously not high risk group meaning healthy children and young adults.

I personally get the seasonal flu shot yearly as well I have a auto immune disease and the flu can be deadly for me- H1N1 - same thing

It is running thru our schools here with several otherwise healthychildren getting very ill and being hospitalized

I personally have no worries about this vaccine my child and I have had no ill reactions from the vaccine- only from standing out in the freezing cold waiting for hours to get it
A good video on the seasonal flu shot.

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There are a couple of cases in our area. I've got a new baby and am on maternity leave and barely leave the house, and never with her when I can help it. Scary!! Hope your family gets better soon, Marty.

Same here -- my lil boy is just 2 1/2 weeks old and we have only left the house for his dr's appts and to visit mine and my husband's family.... Alot of people in our area have what they suspect is H1N1 -- of course I know alot of people that are getting sick are just assuming that is what they have so hard to tell who actually has that and who has other sorts of illnesses
So we are just avoiding contact with anyone that "feels ill".... I know we can't protect him from being sick forever but we sure hope to make it a couple months before he gets his first cold or sickness
Update on Dan: Dan is still sick. He will rally for a day or two then get down again. He has been to the doctor again on Monday, he keeps getting worse and is going back again today and this time I'm going with him. He just cannot seem to get rid of this. I already told the doctor to slam him in the hospital if she has to because this is going no where and going on way too long. I'm very worried. Hus and I are still just fine and haven't caught anything from him.

Everyone take great care and try to stay out of the public as much as possible.
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Update on Dan: Dan is still sick. He will rally for a day or two then get down again. He has been to the doctor again on Monday, he keeps getting worse and is going back again today and this time I'm going with him. He just cannot seem to get rid of this. I already told the doctor to slam him in the hospital if she has to because this is going no where and going on way too long. I'm very worried. Hus and I are still just fine and haven't caught anything from him.Everyone take great care and try to stay out of the public as much as possible.

Oh Marty, that's too bad. I was hoping that he was better by now. I think I'd go into the examining room too and just hear exactly what the doctor is recommending. I pray he gets better real soon.

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