Well-Known Member
I don't usually develop friendships with people that I visit on a professional basis. Part of my job is regulatory, so it has the potential to be awkward. Well, to make a short story long...
I visit a company on a regular basis to certify their products for export. The owner of the company, I'll just call him Mr. X, frequently comes out to chat with me while I'm doing my inspections. Over the years, he's come to know about Darrin's health, and Darrin and he met and became friends. He's a very religious man, and he's always assuring me that his church is praying for Darrin to get a kidney and he'll quote scripture to me, talk about healings and miracles he's witnessed. Darrin and I have become fond of him as time has gone on; he's been very kind to us. I always look forward to my trips to his warehouse and my visits with him. The folks I work with don't understand this, because he's been pretty nasty with nearly everyone I work with. Until yesterday, I couldn't understand this.
So I'm out there yesterday doing my inspections. Mr. X is out for the day, but there's a nice kid who manages the warehouse and helps me. I hear a "Mewww" and look around a find a scrawny kitty, looks like a teenaged kitty. I say to the warehouseman, "Oh, you finally got a cat in here! That's great!" Warehousemen in general value their cats because they are great rodent control. The kid says that he's noticed the mice have gotten scarce. I lean down to pet the cat and the kid says "NO!!!! Don't let him get used to people!!! I can't let Mr. X see him!!" I say "Mr. X doesn't like cats?" The kid says, "Mr. X hates cats. He hates all animals. He'll kill him if he finds him".
You could see the fear in this guy; not something I expected in a big 20-something kid.
The kid can't buy cat food for him, because he'll get in trouble and the cat will certainly end up dead. So he's been 'accidentally' leaving parts of his sandwiches in the warehouse at night. The kid says he's already snuck the kitty's brother home, but can't bring home another cat.
So our good friend, our friend who prays for Darrin, is a cat killer and animal hater in general. I would rather have found out he's a crook, or a drunk, or something else. I'm dreading my next call out there now. I'm afraid I'll go out there and kitty will be gone.
I can't understand how someone so godly who believes in miracles and does so much to help others can be so hateful and ugly towards animals. Our next-door neighbor is sort of the same. He's a retired minister and believes that animals are the devil's work and they all carry the plague. There's a lot of plague going around these days you know.
I thought he was just eccentric but now I'm wondering if this is a particular church's teachings? I was raised Catholic, and there's a special day just for the animals to be blessed and they have their own saint, so this just blows my mind.
I don't know if I should get into a conversation with Mr. X about this or just quietly notch down the friendship and go back to a more professional relationship (and bite my tongue so I don't call him a hypocrite). I'm the only inspector that he hasn't tried to get fired and my co-workers are amazed that he & I get along so well. I have to go out there frequently. I'm really dreading finding out scrawny kitty was killed. I can't bring scrawny kitty home because we are at our kitty maximum and I've already spent money fixing up two strays this year. I'm considering snatching him up and taking him down to the shelter where he'll at least have a miniscule chance at surviving. I had nightmares about this last night (the warehouseman was obviously scared for scrawny kitty and it stuck with me). I haven't told Darrin about this yet, but Darrin loves his animals, and I know he'll be sad to hear this about Mr. X.
Sigh.... I'm really bummed...
So I'm out there yesterday doing my inspections. Mr. X is out for the day, but there's a nice kid who manages the warehouse and helps me. I hear a "Mewww" and look around a find a scrawny kitty, looks like a teenaged kitty. I say to the warehouseman, "Oh, you finally got a cat in here! That's great!" Warehousemen in general value their cats because they are great rodent control. The kid says that he's noticed the mice have gotten scarce. I lean down to pet the cat and the kid says "NO!!!! Don't let him get used to people!!! I can't let Mr. X see him!!" I say "Mr. X doesn't like cats?" The kid says, "Mr. X hates cats. He hates all animals. He'll kill him if he finds him".
The kid can't buy cat food for him, because he'll get in trouble and the cat will certainly end up dead. So he's been 'accidentally' leaving parts of his sandwiches in the warehouse at night. The kid says he's already snuck the kitty's brother home, but can't bring home another cat.
So our good friend, our friend who prays for Darrin, is a cat killer and animal hater in general. I would rather have found out he's a crook, or a drunk, or something else. I'm dreading my next call out there now. I'm afraid I'll go out there and kitty will be gone.
I can't understand how someone so godly who believes in miracles and does so much to help others can be so hateful and ugly towards animals. Our next-door neighbor is sort of the same. He's a retired minister and believes that animals are the devil's work and they all carry the plague. There's a lot of plague going around these days you know.
I don't know if I should get into a conversation with Mr. X about this or just quietly notch down the friendship and go back to a more professional relationship (and bite my tongue so I don't call him a hypocrite). I'm the only inspector that he hasn't tried to get fired and my co-workers are amazed that he & I get along so well. I have to go out there frequently. I'm really dreading finding out scrawny kitty was killed. I can't bring scrawny kitty home because we are at our kitty maximum and I've already spent money fixing up two strays this year. I'm considering snatching him up and taking him down to the shelter where he'll at least have a miniscule chance at surviving. I had nightmares about this last night (the warehouseman was obviously scared for scrawny kitty and it stuck with me). I haven't told Darrin about this yet, but Darrin loves his animals, and I know he'll be sad to hear this about Mr. X.
Sigh.... I'm really bummed...