Someone I considered a friend

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2005
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SW Idaho
I don't usually develop friendships with people that I visit on a professional basis. Part of my job is regulatory, so it has the potential to be awkward. Well, to make a short story long...
I visit a company on a regular basis to certify their products for export. The owner of the company, I'll just call him Mr. X, frequently comes out to chat with me while I'm doing my inspections. Over the years, he's come to know about Darrin's health, and Darrin and he met and became friends. He's a very religious man, and he's always assuring me that his church is praying for Darrin to get a kidney and he'll quote scripture to me, talk about healings and miracles he's witnessed. Darrin and I have become fond of him as time has gone on; he's been very kind to us. I always look forward to my trips to his warehouse and my visits with him. The folks I work with don't understand this, because he's been pretty nasty with nearly everyone I work with. Until yesterday, I couldn't understand this.

So I'm out there yesterday doing my inspections. Mr. X is out for the day, but there's a nice kid who manages the warehouse and helps me. I hear a "Mewww" and look around a find a scrawny kitty, looks like a teenaged kitty. I say to the warehouseman, "Oh, you finally got a cat in here! That's great!" Warehousemen in general value their cats because they are great rodent control. The kid says that he's noticed the mice have gotten scarce. I lean down to pet the cat and the kid says "NO!!!! Don't let him get used to people!!! I can't let Mr. X see him!!" I say "Mr. X doesn't like cats?" The kid says, "Mr. X hates cats. He hates all animals. He'll kill him if he finds him".
You could see the fear in this guy; not something I expected in a big 20-something kid.

The kid can't buy cat food for him, because he'll get in trouble and the cat will certainly end up dead. So he's been 'accidentally' leaving parts of his sandwiches in the warehouse at night. The kid says he's already snuck the kitty's brother home, but can't bring home another cat.

So our good friend, our friend who prays for Darrin, is a cat killer and animal hater in general. I would rather have found out he's a crook, or a drunk, or something else. I'm dreading my next call out there now. I'm afraid I'll go out there and kitty will be gone.

I can't understand how someone so godly who believes in miracles and does so much to help others can be so hateful and ugly towards animals. Our next-door neighbor is sort of the same. He's a retired minister and believes that animals are the devil's work and they all carry the plague. There's a lot of plague going around these days you know.
I thought he was just eccentric but now I'm wondering if this is a particular church's teachings? I was raised Catholic, and there's a special day just for the animals to be blessed and they have their own saint, so this just blows my mind.

I don't know if I should get into a conversation with Mr. X about this or just quietly notch down the friendship and go back to a more professional relationship (and bite my tongue so I don't call him a hypocrite). I'm the only inspector that he hasn't tried to get fired and my co-workers are amazed that he & I get along so well. I have to go out there frequently. I'm really dreading finding out scrawny kitty was killed. I can't bring scrawny kitty home because we are at our kitty maximum and I've already spent money fixing up two strays this year. I'm considering snatching him up and taking him down to the shelter where he'll at least have a miniscule chance at surviving. I had nightmares about this last night (the warehouseman was obviously scared for scrawny kitty and it stuck with me). I haven't told Darrin about this yet, but Darrin loves his animals, and I know he'll be sad to hear this about Mr. X.

Sigh.... I'm really bummed...
I agree....find out from Mr. X himself how he feels about animals. Someone who is so '"God fearing" and follows the Bible, shouldn't be so against animals as that!

The Bible states in the old testament that we (MAN) are to be the animals' caretakers!

If it does end up that Mr. X is an animal hater, and it were me? I'd quietly remove and distance myself from any further relationship. That's just how I operate. I have learned not to trust anyone who does not like animals. Period.

And if Mr. X asks why? If it were me, I'd be honest and tell him why.


Animals are honest. They know what is in each of our souls. Animals don't play personality "games". So if one of my animals doesn't like someone, I pay attention.

keeperofthehorses said:
I don't usually develop friendships with people that I visit on a professional basis. Part of my job is regulatory, so it has the potential to be awkward. Well, to make a short story long... 
  I visit a company on a regular basis to certify their products for export. The owner of the company, I'll just call him Mr. X, frequently comes out to chat with me while I'm doing my inspections. Over the years, he's come to know about Darrin's health, and Darrin and he met and became friends. He's a very religious man, and he's always assuring me that his church is praying for Darrin to get a kidney and he'll quote scripture to me, talk about healings and miracles he's witnessed. Darrin and I have become fond of him as time has gone on; he's been very kind to us. I always look forward to my trips to his warehouse and my visits with him. The folks I work with don't understand this, because he's been pretty nasty with nearly everyone I work with. Until yesterday, I couldn't understand this.
So I'm out there yesterday doing my inspections. Mr. X is out for the day, but there's a nice kid who manages the warehouse and helps me. I hear a "Mewww" and look around a find a scrawny kitty, looks like a teenaged kitty. I say to the warehouseman, "Oh, you finally got a cat in here! That's great!" Warehousemen in general value their cats because they are great rodent control. The kid says that he's noticed the mice have gotten scarce. I lean down to pet the cat and the kid says "NO!!!! Don't let him get used to people!!! I can't let Mr. X see him!!" I say "Mr. X doesn't like cats?" The kid says, "Mr. X hates cats. He hates all animals. He'll kill him if he finds him". 
  You could see the fear in this guy; not something I expected in a big 20-something kid.

The kid can't buy cat food for him, because he'll get in trouble and the cat will certainly end up dead. So he's been 'accidentally' leaving parts of his sandwiches in the warehouse at night. The kid says he's already snuck the kitty's brother home, but can't bring home another cat.

So our good friend, our friend who prays for Darrin, is a cat killer and animal hater in general. I would rather have found out he's a crook, or a drunk, or something else. I'm dreading my next call out there now. I'm afraid I'll go out there and kitty will be gone.

I can't understand how someone so godly who believes in miracles and does so much to help others can be so hateful and ugly towards animals. Our next-door neighbor is sort of the same. He's a retired minister and believes that animals are the devil's work and they all carry the plague. There's a lot of plague going around these days you know. 
  I thought he was just eccentric but now I'm wondering if this is a particular church's teachings? I was raised Catholic, and there's a special day just for the animals to be blessed and they have their own saint, so this just blows my mind.

I don't know if I should get into a conversation with Mr. X about this or just quietly notch down the friendship and go back to a more professional relationship (and bite my tongue so I don't call him a hypocrite). I'm the only inspector that he hasn't tried to get fired and my co-workers are amazed that he & I get along so well. I have to go out there frequently. I'm really dreading finding out scrawny kitty was killed. I can't bring scrawny kitty home because we are at our kitty maximum and I've already spent money fixing up two strays this year. I'm considering snatching him up and taking him down to the shelter where he'll at least have a miniscule chance at surviving. I had nightmares about this last night (the warehouseman was obviously scared for scrawny kitty and it stuck with me). I haven't told Darrin about this yet, but Darrin loves his animals, and I know he'll be sad to hear this about Mr. X.

Sigh.... I'm really bummed...


Yes there are christian religions that teach that animals are evil in particular cats, goats, and few others.......many do not realize how one little piece of the bible can be turned into it's own religion and church......I am so sorry you have had to run into this......can we spirit the kitty away we have barn cats around here none of the neighbors would even notice one more...everyone in my little neighborhood puts out food for the "cats".
Well I learned the hard way, that you cant consider anybody in this world your friend first off.

Second while I wouldnt agree with it, it wouldnt stop me from being friends with the person.

People do lots of different thing that I dont agree with, dont mean I will dislike them for it.

Oh and Catholics are pretty messed up themselves.
Oh and Catholics are pretty messed up themselves.
Ashley, that's not a very nice thing to say. You may not have the same beliefs, but you have no right to say that. Just like Catholic's would have no right to say that to you, and you KNOW you would take offense to that...
Not really, I know im not exactly normal. Just comeing from somebody that was raised in a pretty stricked catholic up bring. Part of the reason I dont do releigion at all.
Well you won't find a bigger cat hater then me around if a cat even comes near me l'm screaming l'm going to kill it but never have killed one yet. Most people l know have cats in the house in the barn in there beds who cares doesn't mean l have to like it or cats and if someone judged me on only because l didn't like cats well l guess they didn't think much of me to begin with. Besides all your info sounds like second hand and not from the big cats mouth himself. For me cats are sneaky things and when l look into there eyes they are empty at least dogs have a soul you can see or feel when you look into there eyes. But thats only me and it has nothing to do with religion for me as thats one thing l'm not.

For the record we do have 16 barn cats some 12 years old that over the years were dumped out front and we took them in fed them the kids loved on them and l had them fixed so they wouldn't spread.
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Well everyone is entitled to their own opinions about animals.

But not liking animals and hurting an animal are 2 different things.

I would not knowingly befriend a person who would hurt/kill an animal just because they don't like it. However, I have many friends who are not animal people.

I have also found too, that I would never believe a person to be a 'good'or 'christian' based on what they say but on what they do!! Actions speak louder than words for me!

Perhaps the kindest thing to do if you find the story to be true would be to take the kitty and offer it a safe home.

Sorry it has bothered you so!

I hope it isn't true for you and the kitty!
Hmmmm, I am a cat LOVER
, and also breed Burmese Cats
. My 'best friend' just like Relic, HATES cats, but with a passion!!!! She's not allergic to them and she's not religious (in fact FAR FROM IT!!).

Relic, i'm not sure that i'd say that cats are sneaky, although you could look at it as a need to 'sneak' up on mice to catch them..........anyway, I also don't agree that if you look into a cats eyes they are empty!!!!

I can have an off day and my babies (CATS) know it. They will be there with me and for me, more so than the dogs, but that could be because i'm more of a cat person than a dog person. Maybe I just see it in them, because I love them, and I can trust that if my cats don't like someone, I certainly take note, just like I would if a dog was the same.

As for Mr X, personally i'd help the cat out and take it to a shelter, like it was said, at least he/she'd have a better chance by the sounds of it. It's really sad actually, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you need to kill it

Well, that's enough from me, i'm quite sad to read the above, and i'm sorry Relic, I didn't mean to make this about you, it just makes me mad when things are said and people don't give cats the time of day to learn about them, just like my 'best friend'!!!! Oh and also, i'm a Catholic too, so I must be pretty messed up

I'm gonna go give ALL of my 16 cats a HUG now

Oh and Catholics are pretty messed up themselves

I come from a very strict Catholic upbringing and that is just not nice and uncalled for.

We had a blessing for the animals one day, but the monsignor refused to bless my horse. He said that in the Bible, Saton or a Demon rode a horse so he wouldn't bless any.

As for the subject at hand, I would strike up a very careful conversation and bring some Bible quotes with you just in case about taking care of the animals and see maybe if you can turn this man around, very, very slowly.

We have lots of good fok here that love God very much, but also hate animals too.
Ashley, I come from a Catholic family as well, I was baptised. No matter what your belief calling someone "messed up" because of their religion (or lack of) is, as Marty said, uncalled for. Would you like me to call you messed up, because you don't believe in ANY religion at all? I'm sure you would be upset by that. Think of others and how they feel.

I think it would be best as well to take the cat to a shelter before it gets hurt or killed
Also, I would distance yourself from Mr. X and keep things strictly professional.
Marty said:
We have lots of good fok here that love God very much, but also hate animals too.


Glad I don't live near those good "fok"...... Sounds rather contradictory to me.....

There is a thing called Aleurophobia- a morbid fear of cats....if this man has it there is no reasoning with him. Coupled with a church that actually supports his phobia....well, there would be no point quoting scripture at him.

I would talk to him, raise your concerns and see what he said. It's easy enough to do, all you have to do is start talking about your horses, add on a dog or too "What would we do without them, pets are truly Gods gift to the world....don't you think???"

And see where it goes form there.

I am TERRIFIED of spiders- a deep, irrational fear. I live in a country where spiders are not dangerous at all.

I KNOW all this!!!

Still can't get me near a spider.

Mind you I go out of my way to not kill them, as I feel it is MY problem, not theirs, but that's just me.
Oh, if I find out someone "doesn't like animals" I don't trust them! I'm not talking about someone who's afraid of animals, that's different, but I think it says something really negative about their character if they across the board do not like animals.

But, that said, I'd also try to find out directly from the source. It could be the kid exagerated or misunderstood or anything else.
IF you find out for sure that Mr. X is an animal hater/killer, take the kitten to the shelter. Even if the shelter puts it down, going to sleep is much nicer than what he may do to it.

I didnt call anybody on here messed up, I said Catholics, not meaning all of them. Didnt pin point any names.

Many people on here have stated there opinions on religions, most of which were very mean also. Didnt see anybody jump on them.
We had a blessing for the animals one day, but the monsignor refused to bless my horse. He said that in the Bible, Saton or a Demon rode a horse so he wouldn't bless any.
What I don't understand about some christians, mind you not all, is how they can consider themselves good christians (which you would think a monsignor would be) if they can not understand it was not the horses fault Saton used them. If anything the horse should be double blessed for being so ill used.
Some fanatical "believers" (I use the term loosely) have no compassion, isn't compassion one of His teachings?

As to Mr. X I think I would find out like MA said and see if he is really a cat killer.

If it does end up that Mr. X is an animal hater, and it were me? I'd quietly remove and distance myself from any further relationship.
Strictly business, I agree if an animal does not like them, look out.
Found an interesting site about man's responsibility to animals and quotes from the Bible about it.....

The quote below is an example of what's on there.......

"A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs." Proverbs 12:10

Thanks all for the advice. And MA, those links are just what I need, thank you.

I think what I'm going to do is early next week when I'm NOT assigned to the export program, I'll take my family photo album (and a cat carrier) out there and just stop in for a visit to show him our Thanksgiving pictures. He'll no doubt see the dozens of pictures of all of our animals, and I think I'll be able to tell from his reaction which way to go from there. Either I'll gently start a conversation, or I'll just go out and get the kitty.

I told Darrin about what happened and the first words out of his mouth were, "Not Mr. X... Oh that sucks. Go get the cat." So we are going to make sure kitty is safe, even if we can't keep him. I thought about bringing him out to you runamuk, but I don't feel right about doing that unless I get him tutored and vaccinated. I can't do that right now, so I may just lie about which county I found him in and take him to that no-kill cat shelter in Boise. He has a groovy little personality, and I think he will appeal to someone looking for a little Christmas elf. And then if this is all true I think Darrin and I will just put some distance between our family and Mr. X's. I can't be friends with someone who randomly hurts any animal.

Oh, and don't worry about the derogatory Catholic statement. It was so generalized and stereotypical that it was actually laughable.

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