Sphynx cats... Does anyone have one or breed them here?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My last house cat, Jack, died two years ago of renal failure/old age. We had to euthanize him. He was an ornage cat. I still really miss him. Latlely I have been thinking of getting another cat. I have always rescued, but this time I would like a Sphynx. They are hairless cats. I actually might enjoy the non shed factor!

Does anyone here own one, or breed them?

Can you tell me about them?


oh, Robin, they are so ugly, are you sure? I know nothing of Sphynx cats, so can't help you there. I'm not sure, but I think I read that the Rex cats are non-shedders or light shedders. I think there's the Cornish Rex and at least one other; they have a downy coat or really light coat (not quite as ugly as the sphynx).

The other is the Devon Rex, and it has a little more hair than the Cornish. I don't know much about them, except what I've read on-line and seen on animal planet cat shows. Good luck with your kitty search.
Something to consider with the hairless cats - their skin is pretty oily and they need to be bathed frequently - not a fun job!
I had one yrs back BUT she had fur. She was a oppisite sphynx with fur not furless but was all pure bred. Very very pretty and neat to have. The original owner paid $1200 for her and when she bred her for her 1st litter of kittens she needed to have a c-section and all kittens died. She was then fixed and given to me for sorta free (did barn chores for 1 month). I kept her for 2ys but she pooped on the kitcen counter and boyfriend said she had to go. A nice couple bought her for $350 and to this day they still love and own her!

sorry no pics on computer only in photo book in closet.

She had turqois eyes pink nose and skin and all white with very lite gray patches.

Heads up about the sphynx, they are very vocal.
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I have 2 Sphynx cats that are old now. I had three but the neutered male passed away at age 9. I have also had half dozen Devon Rex. If you want any info from me send me a PM. I will tell you one thing.....they are a major topic of conversation with guests!

Well, for some reason I do not have permission to view my own attachment!
So I hope it came through OK. This is one of my females.
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Thanks Matt! Once you get use to no hair she is cute. LOL! Actually she is pretty....for a Sphynx!
I have another that looks like an evil gremlin....but people just eat her up because she is such a doll.
I can't help you out with information Robin, but just wanted to say....that is a very cool looking cat Carol!
I can't help you out with information Robin, but just wanted to say....that is a very cool looking cat Carol!
Thanks Cheyenne! They are certainly different and I have always liked the unusual!
Thanks all for your thoughts on the naked kitties. I have been reading ALOT about them. I do like vocal kitties, and have read that they need weekly baths or at very least baby wipes a lot because of their oily skin. The $1500 price tag is daunting though, especially when there are so many cats that need a home.... but just this once, I would like a purebred... possibly Sphynx. I have always loved Siamese too.

I am feeling a little guilty for thinking about NOT adopting, this time. BUt its a moot point right now because I will have to squirrel away money before actually buying.

Loved the kitty picture! OMG! What a beauty!!!!!


Thanks all for your thoughts on the naked kitties. I have been reading ALOT about them. I do like vocal kitties, and have read that they need weekly baths or at very least baby wipes a lot because of their oily skin. The $1500 price tag is daunting though, especially when there are so many cats that need a home.... but just this once, I would like a purebred... possibly Sphynx. I have always loved Siamese too.

I am feeling a little guilty for thinking about NOT adopting, this time. BUt its a moot point right now because I will have to squirrel away money before actually buying.

Loved the kitty picture! OMG! What a beauty!!!!!


What about looking into a breed specific rescue group, seems just about every breed has them now?
I've never had one, but I remember years ago someone on one of the BBs I was on had one named Piglet and that was the cutest, funniest cat from all the stories I heard. It made me kinda want one. However, I'm all about siamese cats and that's what I think I'll always have. I love my funny, vocal meezers!

Good luck.
You will love the Sphynx, they act more like a dog than a cat. I have 5 of them, and they each have there own personalities...I have 3 females and 2 males, I love the males, they make much better pets... You can sometimes find some for adoption on petfinder, the prices are not to bad if you look around.

We used to breed but don't anymore, we now enjoy them all as part of our family....... They are truly unique, you will love them.

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