Well-Known Member
So on her post asking frame/splash a couple of you had mentioned you think sabino was/is responsible for the leg white and heavy face white, as you would suspect blue eyes with splash. Now with me looking at the foal I would have for sure said LWO and/or Splash and would test (GORGEOUS colt btw).. Never would I have thought purely sabino..
So with that said my stallion has both dark brown eyes, he is LWO negative, so for a while I was suspecting tobiano and sabino (as the edges of his white is roany)
That was until last year's foals and then I started thinking he was splash as well!
First was Max, he is out of a tobiano/splash/LWO negative mare (she does have a full blue eye and a partial blue eye) So I was figuring him to be tobiano/splash/sabino (sabino because of the roany/jagged edges of his white patterning). He does NOT have blue eyes, so would you still say he is splash?
And then there was Teddy! This little guy was a huge surprise, never expected this much white! His dam is solid black bay, I have not found a white spot on her, tho she does have lighter colored hair in front of her udder but it's not white. Her sire was a pinto, her dam supposedly an appy (tho I've never seen photos), and Daisy herself does NOT have ANY appy characteristics, eyes are dark, no appy sclera, no mottling and has never thrown an appy or appy characteristic foal except one who was sired by an appy stallion (even that foal was born solid bay and wasn't until he was a year old did he start appy roaning).. This is the third LOUD colored pinto foal like this that this mare has delivered (all by pinto stallions, two were full siblings and then my colt, and she's bred back the same way for this year). So again, I was thinking this colt was tobiano/sabino and without a doubt splash, but again, no blue eyes?
He's got three other foals, (bred by Chesa)
A solid black out of a solid bay
Silver dapple pinto out of a solid silver bay:
Chestnut pinto out of a chestnut minimal pinto mare:

So with that said my stallion has both dark brown eyes, he is LWO negative, so for a while I was suspecting tobiano and sabino (as the edges of his white is roany)

That was until last year's foals and then I started thinking he was splash as well!
First was Max, he is out of a tobiano/splash/LWO negative mare (she does have a full blue eye and a partial blue eye) So I was figuring him to be tobiano/splash/sabino (sabino because of the roany/jagged edges of his white patterning). He does NOT have blue eyes, so would you still say he is splash?

And then there was Teddy! This little guy was a huge surprise, never expected this much white! His dam is solid black bay, I have not found a white spot on her, tho she does have lighter colored hair in front of her udder but it's not white. Her sire was a pinto, her dam supposedly an appy (tho I've never seen photos), and Daisy herself does NOT have ANY appy characteristics, eyes are dark, no appy sclera, no mottling and has never thrown an appy or appy characteristic foal except one who was sired by an appy stallion (even that foal was born solid bay and wasn't until he was a year old did he start appy roaning).. This is the third LOUD colored pinto foal like this that this mare has delivered (all by pinto stallions, two were full siblings and then my colt, and she's bred back the same way for this year). So again, I was thinking this colt was tobiano/sabino and without a doubt splash, but again, no blue eyes?

He's got three other foals, (bred by Chesa)
A solid black out of a solid bay
Silver dapple pinto out of a solid silver bay:
Chestnut pinto out of a chestnut minimal pinto mare: