Your barn looks AWESOME!! GREAT JOB!!! ♥

For my water buckets inside the stalls, I use a medium size bucket then place a smaller bucket inside. They don’t tend to knock it over this way. I like for them to always have fresh water, so this also makes it easy to dump out and refill. (I do this in my biggies stall too. I just use a large bucket and put a medium bucket inside.) I place their feed bucket away from the water bucket so no dropping get in the water.
Depending on the mini, I use the tiniest hole hay nets I can find.
Not stall related, but come spring, I can’t stand all that hair! So you might want to get some clippers if you don’t already have some.

it is soooo FUN clipping them and seeing their new summer coat!
Cant wait to see pics of your new mini!!