Stinky well water!!! any help?

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our well water smells so bad and we cant figure it out. when we bought the house we were told it was due to the water softener being unhooked for 6 months. so we were told to bleach the well etc and that would be the end of it. Well its still doing it! we have to bleach the well every 12 days or the smell will knock you out. Water softener is working fine and going thru salt like it should but the smell still comes back. Help!!!
Sound like possibly you've got a sulfer problem. We had water that smelled bad too so we had the water tested and the appropriate filter system put on for the specific problem and no more smell or bad taste.
Time to dig a new well!


Merry Christmas KK !!!
If you want to solve the problem you will need to install a filtering system to remove the impurities. It might cost a bit of money but cheaper than a new well which might end up with the very same problem again.
Our well water is disgusting. It is very hard water and has a lot of magnesium in it.

We had them put a chlorinator on the top of the well, it goes through a filter for smell and small particulates, then it goes through the softner. In the house for drinking water we had them install an RO system. Now we can actually drink the water.

If you can find a Kinetico water system in your area, they are really good. They run by themselves with no electricity. Pretty cool!
marty if i have to dig a new well i will have a nervous breakdown!! i wasnt here when hubby bought the house or believe me this wouldnt have happened. it would have been fixed before we moved in! we do have a home warrantly i wonder if its covered under that?? something has to be done i cant take this smell
My well water has a lot of iron in it and we have to filter it or everything gets that rust look, my neighbor's water has that nasty sulpher smell(rotten eggs) and they also use an in-line filter that helps.......of course their watering system is non-filtered so we all get to smell that sulpher smell in the summer! I would look into a filtering system. Usually you just have to change the filter like once a month and they're not that expensive! Good luck!
yep its that rotten egg smell ughhh. wonder how much a filtering system costs? just my darn luck
Has it been tested for potability (sp?)?

We have well water, but it has no smell and it tastes really good.

Our previous well ran dry in 2002, and we had to get a new one dug and hooked up. It was $4,000 which was A LOT less than I thought it would cost. I think it can get way up there depending on where you live.

After they hit water, they dug extra for storage and I don't remember the specifics now but they were very happy with the amount of water it could pump. It was at the top end of the residential scale.
kaykay said:
yep its that rotten egg smell ughhh.  wonder how much a filtering system costs? just my darn luck

Yeah we have that we just call it FART water...I have a brita filter in the fridge for drinking water and we just cope.......we bought a very simple inline filter however we discovered we cannot install it because we have these fancy newfangled pipes that require fancy expensive tools to cut/ clamp/ etc....oh well....sulphur is supposedly good for you....I mean we pay buttloads of money to buy and feed our horses msm which is just sulphur
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Kay, our filter system is very simple. We got it at Home Depot. I think the filter housing itself is about $30-$40. The filter we use runs about $8. We have PVC pipe and hubby just put it in between the well and the softener. We change ours every 2 months or so.

Our water is so nasty it has an oily film on top.
When we first moved here, I washed a load of white clothes with bleach. All of the items turned a nasty brown color and there were holes all over them. Had to toss the whole load in the garbage.

My hubby said to tell you welcome to Ohio where the coal is soft and the water is hard and both of em stink of sulfer!

KJ im laughing so hard reading that! we dont have any trouble with rust in the water but man this sulphar smell is horrible!! going to try and get to home depot today and get something.

karla maybe i should charge admission. LOL
Glad I could give you a chuckle Kaykay, we've also told people we have water you can eat with a fork
We're used to it though, in fact I can't drink city water because I can smell the chlorine in it, yuck!


Our well water out here is HORRIBLE. We also put in a chlorine injector between the water softner and the well. It took some adjusting to get the chlorine to the right level, but it did get rid of the smell. We had to have a plumer do ours, it cost a couple hundred bucks for him to put it in, WELL worth it!.

We also put a RO filter in under the kitchen sink.
Call the Culligan man and have them come out and have them do a free water analysis.
Maybe the water softener is just not quite up to par with your water needs.


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