Strange fears

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Well since everyone has bravely admitted their fears, I guess I'll bite.

Napkins and Paper towells. Don't get near me with one. If its wet, youve made an even bigger mistake. I literally gag and want to throw up over a wet paper towell.

Strangely I am a vet tech, and can deal with blood, guts, puke, needles and diarreah without blinking an eye, but please keep the wet paper towells far far away from me.


I cant stand having my own blood takin and have to look away. I am also afraid of spiders - not the little one's - the GREAT BIG ONES!!
I also dislike wild snakes - I am afraid to weed the garden because of them. Pet snakes dont bother me - just running in to the wild ones!
Waking up intubated ( breathing tube down throat ) and of course it happened the one time I had surgery. Told Dr of that fear , oh well.

Having a stroke and being aware, but unable to do anything about it. Even more realistic now since I found I have a clotting problem.

Bugs dont bother me ...just snakes!

Forgot about that one. Bugs dont faze me. However, after my Lyme diagnosis ( from a tick) I was unable to go riding over in the pasture I think it happened in. Tried for 3 years, would tack up , but go somewhere else. They still skeeve me out, but not as bad. probably because there isnt much they can do to me anymore
luvmycritters said:
I cant stand having my own blood takin and have to look away. I am also afraid of spiders - not the little one's - the GREAT BIG ONES!! 
  I also dislike wild snakes - I am afraid to weed the garden because of them. Pet snakes dont bother me - just running in to the wild ones!


I forgot the blood thing.....I used to not be able to even see blood or I would faint.....and even after two kids and a million blood draws I still have to actually lay down and look away otherwise I will faint.....have fallen face first twice into nurses who would not listen and yes I was sitting......part of the problem is my veins stink...they get 1 try and then I call for a ped nurse
I am not a pincushion
Pepipony said:
Waking up intubated ( breathing tube down throat ) and of course it happened the one time I had surgery.  Told Dr of that fear , oh well.
Happened to me as well when I ripped open my knee right down to the bone.

My all time biggest fear is balloons,
I hate them, cry if I see one, when my sister brought one over to me to try and scare me I went wild and nearly fell of a balcony because was sooooooo scared. They are the horriblest thing on earth.

I dont like needles, doctors or dentists either.
I absolutly hate it when my hair is wet and the rest of me is dry. I have long, curly hair and always let it air dry (if I did otherwise I would have a giant fro
) but I can't stand the wet hair on my back so I always drape a towl or two around my shoulders. Some times they fall off and I will walk around bent backwords to keep the hair from touching me, my family gets a kick out of it
. I also hate when my hands are dry or when someone cleans their nails and it makes a scratching noise, or when someone scrapes their nails on a chalkboard.

As for actual fears, I'm afraid of being alone in the dark and of sharks.
RAPfrosty said:
I absolutly hate it when my hair is wet and the rest of me is dry. I have long, curly hair and always let it air dry (if I did otherwise I would have a giant fro
) but I can't stand the wet hair on my back so I always drape a towl or two around my shoulders. Some times they fall off and I will walk around bent backwords to keep the hair from touching me, my family gets a kick out of it
. I also hate when my hands are dry or when someone cleans their nails and it makes a scratching noise, or when someone scrapes their nails on a chalkboard.As for actual fears, I'm afraid of being alone in the dark and of sharks.


I do the same thing with the hair, I thought I was the only one. Glad I am not, whew.

I thought of another one... chalk. I can't STAND chalk. Also having dirt or dust on my hands. Fingertips, no biggies, but if its on my hands, and I get that AWFUL dusty.dirty feeling, I do insane. Like when I used to do gymnastics, and we had to chalk up our hands, and then wear palm gaurs fro the bars... goodness. Yucky! I also can't stand using dish soap on my hands. When I wash dishes, I have to use gloves. Then when you move your hands, and they just feel icky... anyone else do this? Or am I just crazy?
Well, my only true fear used to be heights. When I was very little I had no idea that the mountains surrounding Phoenix were real--not "billboards" as I told my mother. When my family went to see the Grand Canyon I stayed in the car and cried hysterically. For a long time after that driving over bridges or even places where the ground wasn't level with the road truly scared me. Eventually, when I moved to a town by the North Cascades in Washington I had to learn to get over it... Before that I had finally convinced myself to start going on rides at amusement parks other than the "safe" bumper cars, etc. Strangely enough, flying has never bothered me. Most recently, for Christmas this year I went on the "Big Shot" ride on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas AND LOVED IT.

*I almost forgot: Another "fear" I used to have that also started when I was very young was when my mom got sick and tired of waiting for me to get out of the tub. One night she told me I would get "sucked down the drain" if I didn't hurry up. It took me a looong time to convince myself that wasn't actually going to happen...
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[SIZE=14pt]I am terrified of birds, yes..... birds of all kinds, chickens, ducks, birds.... anything that flys and pecks...... Have always been. but I love to decorate with chickens in my kitchen! Go figure~[/SIZE]


claustrophobia-or rather, the feeling of not being able to move in small, cramped places.

crowds-I hate going to the mall, or to Walmart on the weekends when it's crowded. It makes me crazy with so many people in close quarters, and I start getting hot flashes and feel like I can't breathe. A crowd is a good way to bring on a panic attack.

scorpions-we get a few in the house every summer and they blend with the carpet. My older son is terrified of them too, so of course when he sees one and freaks out, I act like it's no big deal. Except when I go to kill it with a shoe and scream and hop around frantically while I'm doing it.

heights-except that I'm not afraid of going up, being up high, or looking down. I can spend all day looking over a ledge or balancing on the roof to help replace shingles. It's going down that terrifies me, not being able to see where I'm going, if I'm forced to go down backwards. I'd rather jump or drop a distance that's too far for safety, than have to climb down a ladder or anything else. I remember when I was a kid and climbing up a bluff with my brother Jeff. We sat on the ledge for a while before heading back down. There was another ledge just below and he climbed down first. It wasn't much of a drop, especially when I draped myself over. But I was so scared to go those last few inches that I would have spent all day there and refused to budge. About an hour later, he ended up dragging me off by my ankles to get me down.
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Oh I have a very bad fear of any kinda poultry...chickens, ducks , geese , and OMG turkeys they all terrify me
[SIZE=14pt]OHHHHHH Lisa!!!! My sister!!!!! I thought for years I was the only one!!!!1[/SIZE]

Lets see i'm scare of:

the dark....I all was have been

Heights.....I freak out if I look down and i'm so high up. I don't know why people say don't look down, they always end up looking

snakes, frogs, mice and spiders.....I hate em all, they really freak me out. I can't even pet one with out freaking out.

flying.....I hate flying. I don't even want to go by one. Just cuz I see planes crash in the movies,
I got to stop watching to many

needles...I hate going in the doctors office to get shots. But my brothers love getting shots. But I hate em.

The one thing i'm most scared of the most are going on boats...You would think I was not scared to go on boats, cuz I love to swin.
this is really strange, I have a fear of being late. Yes its a fear and I drive my grandkids nuts. How bad.... well I was to meet a lady to buy my driving cart at 3. She gave me great directions, but I didnt know where I was going, had not been there before. I was there by two. Poor amy, I know she didnt expect that. Yes I started out at 1 for a 45 minute drive.

Doesnt matter if I know where I am going or not, I am at least 30 minutes early eve to work If I am not there, something has happened. car broke down or I am dead.
I am afraid of old food. Anything that has been sitting out for long enough to get cold or crusty I absolutely cannot stand to look at. If it sits in my prescense for too long I get really ill.

I am also very afraid of heights and I get vertigo from standing on a chair.

I also have a fear of talking on the phone. It takes me HOURS to pluck up the courage to use a phone. I don't mind picking up a phone, but the conversation is always very short. Sometimes I have psyched myself out so bad before using a phone I have to throw up. I have no idea where this fear came from
When I was in my first trimester, I developed this horrid fear of bugs. Pretty much any bug, but spiders, grasshoppers and moths were the worst. I made my poor husband come and kill them for me.

I'm over it now.
Ferrah, I have the exact same fear, I guess when I posted yesterday I didnt really think of it as a fear, but i suppose it is!

I absolutely hate making phone calls. Ill answer the phone when it rings but I freeze up when I have to make a call.

I have been needing to call my farrier for 3 days now and every time I pick up the phone I find an excuse. Strange cause I have known the guy literally all my life and once he gets here, we talk all day.

Its just the phone call. I cant stand it. Calling businesses is worse.

I usually make myself ill before I can make a call.

Strange, huh?

COWS! I am terrified of COWS! I wish and hope and pray all I want, but I can't get over it. I reason with myself, I try to convince myself its dumb, heck, I'd LOVE to go cattle pening some day, butnot till they switch to sheep
Baby cows are ok, I can handle baby ones. Every year at the exibition I get this sick kick out of making myself creep up to the heavily barred pen with the sleepy, mellow looking, dozy bulls and *making* myself touch one on the nose. I think its the only thin that keeps the fear from getting even worse! My plan is to some day buy a baby cow, and just hope I never grow to be afraid of it.

I am also terrified of heights, especially cliffs. And caves.
I don't even like to walk OVER a cave if I know its there. Sometimes I can just be walking and get this sick wonder if there could be an underground cave under me and I wouldn't even know it. Makes me almost ill to think. I have a hard time flying too. Only ever done it a few times. If I think about flying I make myself almost ill.

Closets and beds after dark! I should NEVER have watched the movie Boogeyman! I'm usually not such a pushover for scary movies, and honestly this one did't even scare me... till I got home and saw my own closet! I've been sleeping with a light on for over 9 months now!
Have a clown major phobia
. I hate, no despise them, and want to rip them to shreds whenever I see one. I think they are stupid, evil, disgusting and vile.
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