Strangles Shot

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
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brandon, ms

Who gives the strangles shots to their horses? We give the strangles to all of our minis and big horses. I have a question. We got a mare who might be in foal, but haven't had the strangles shot yet, when would a good time to give her the strangles shot. the vet said we could go ahead and give the strangles shot,but want to ask you all about it.

The strangles shot is a big no no. The nasal vaccine is the one you want if you are going to use it. We started giving it the day someone stopped by and was petting my horses by the time I could make it down from the house. They proceeded to tell me about just visiting so and so who I knew had full blown strangles going.

The vaccine won't protect 100% but I have a good chance of having a shorter course and not loosing any horses.
The strangles shot is a big no no. The nasal vaccine is the one you want if you are going to use it. We started giving it the day someone stopped by and was petting my horses by the time I could make it down from the house. They proceeded to tell me about just visiting so and so who I knew had full blown strangles going.
The vaccine won't protect 100% but I have a good chance of having a shorter course and not loosing any horses.
why is the shot strangles a no no? we have use the shot strangles for years now. i did not know there was a problem with it?

we also give the strangles shot to our mares 30 days before foaling.

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I've done the intranasal a few times in the past when it was required for boarding purposes. Other than that, no, it is not on my list of regular vaccinations as it is not on my vets list of reccomended vaccinations for most horses who do not a)compete on a regular and heavy basis b) live in a barn where horses come and go frequently. Also, with just the one horse I never have had to worry, out side of a stbale environment, that he will bring it in and spread it through a herd.
I for one won't give it again. When I was boarding, I had to (only IM vaccine available at the time) and one horse has a severe reaction to the vaccine, everytime. Also, all of my current horses have now been exposed to strangles (some got it, some didn't) and as I understand it their natural immunity is better than that provided by the vaccine. [An uncomplicated case of strangles isn't that hard to deal with, just time consuming.]
Our vet does not recommend giving the shot. She has said that if they have a reaction it can be far worse than the strangles without the shot. A person must be very careful though to not expose their horses to other horses who have it and also be very careful in making sure you don't bring it home from a place that has it. Mary
the horses who had a reaction what did the horse do, how long did it take before you knew about the reaction to the shot.

strangles is bad stuff and i don't want to have to deal with it if possible.
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I had a horse with a trainer and it was a required shot for him to be there.I have had strangles and it is NASTY STUFF to deal with.I now quarantine for 30 days in a barn way down on the back of the farm.Keeps the germs down.
The shot causes abscesses and reactions, and is actually very ineffective. The IN vaccine is a little better, and is the best protection that is avalible. I do the IN version every year; I will never allow any of my horses to recieve the IM shot.
We gave it in the face of an outbreak and it did work those vaccinated got much less sick.

My horses have all been exposed to more 2 different strains of Strangles now so I dont vaccinate anymore but I used the Intra nasal not the shot
I vaccinate all my horses for strangles every year with their other annual vaccinations. I have horses coming and going frequently plus live in a highly populated horse area. I've used the nasal and IM vaccines and can't say that I have had a problem with either one.

Anytime you give any vaccine, you run the risk of having a reaction.
I give mine the intra nasal shot annually, don't want to risk anything whether the risk is there or not! My vet recommends it for my area so, I add it to the list of vaccinations!
I will still continue to vaccinate against it regardless of the efficacy of the vaccine which is poor compared to other vaccines, be it intranasal or injection. Two out of my three got it even though they were all recently vaccinated and boostered.

As was mentioned earlier, vaccinating for anything carries risks. Both types of strangles vaccines can cause problems and the decision to vaccinate for it can only be based on your own situation. Since I board my horses, they have more chance to become infected with something so I choose to vaccinate for almost everything common to my area. However, if I were fortunate enough to not have to expose my horses to places where other infected horses may have been, I'd be more inclined to forgoe the strangles vaccine, and others, altogether.
We have not vacinated for strangles the last two years however that said we leave it up to our vet regarding what vaccines we get and what ones we do not. "As far as strangles he said strains change and the vaccine is not always very effective. If we were faced with an outbreak in our area we would have it if vet felt it was needed.
The strangles vaccine unfortunately is very ineffective. But 75% protection is better than none, I always say. Unfortunately the injectable vaccine is even less effective... more like 40%. Yes, any vaccine can cause issues, but the strangles IM vaccine causes much more than its fair share. Combined with its very low efficacy rate, and the avalibility of a far superior vaccine (the IN version), it makes much more sense to move to the IN route. I'd recommend anyone who uses the IM version to ask their vet and suggest trying the other version.

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