I certainly wouldn't randomly email people for dead pets, BUT....my daughter was in college to be a biologist years ago. One of the courses required was advanced taxidermy. For months, I scoured the backroads for road kill to "stuff". I was calling all my friends asking if they had any road kill near them....you would be surprised how little there is out there when you REALLY need it.....I felt like Grannie Clampett...scraping up possum out of the road...YUK.
For a long time, I did not DARE to open my refrigerator.....squirrels, opposums, you name it. We were out whacking rats with bats to stuff. BTW, rats are HARD to stuff. We would get one just about done and his tail would fall off....then had to start all over again.
One of her classmates stuffed a fawn. Having had to help do this, I would agree the bigger the animal, the easier the stuffing....
Anyway, could this person be looking for a project for school ya think? Having a kid in college sure does make you do weird things sometimes..