Becky Horat
Well-Known Member
We're just starting to take our youngest Mini out on the trails and he's doing fantastic. He'll be 4 this Spring. He's been shown this last summer by previous owner and is extremely level headed. He is doing very well on the trails and not much bothers him. He is doing well learning to pull uphills and is doing well holding the cart back going down hills with a gradual incline. We are doing things slowly and not over working him. The problem we had today was going down a very short "steep incline." This is like going through a small creek crossing. It's only steep for just a few feet. Our other horse has learned to handle these very well and has no problems. We got out of the cart for these so we could work on them with less weight for him to deal with. My husband had his head (with a long lead rope attached) and I was driving from behind. We would re-assure him as he would stop and hold the cart back. We did this several times and he was doing better. I do not want to create a problem and make him refuse these little hills. Any other suggestions? He really sits into his breeching and works well on the gradual downhills. I checked the harness for fit or pinching and all seems good. I do not have padding on the breeching, but saddle and breast collar are well padded. Just looking for any other suggestions at this point....I want to keep him happy.