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runaway ranch

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2004
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First, I need to thank ALL of you for your love and concern. My little Hersey was the smallest and sweetest colt I had. I had just decided to have him put down and spare him the agony that he was in, when he took the decision out of my hands.

Unfortunately, the horror doesn't end there. The day he passed, I was supposed to go on the field trip with my 12 year-old son, but just couldn't go. I was too afraid for my babies. Turned out I was right. I had laid down to have nap and just couldn't sleep , I was so restless. I heard a disturbance and ran outside. My little Naomi had been attacked. Her wounds are not nearly as bad and she is reccuperating on my front porch. I just started shaking, I think I was in shock when I saw my beloved dog who had been raised with the minis, covered in blood. The one I thought had been protecting them was the agressor. We had the vet out: treated Naomi and had my dog put down. I still can't quite get my mind around it. It just doesn't seem real.

On 2/21/06 my mother passed away and we took in her German Sheppard, A huge and aggressive dog. He attacked a goat and killed it. He had him put down in March. I think my Rosey learned from him. I am ready for a long boring summer, ....

don't think that I can take any more death or injury.

Thank you again for your prayers and supprt. Lisa
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Oh Lisa, I am so sorry. I was 99% sure that it was a dog...

This happened to my daughter earlier this year- she had taken in a dog - a boxer mix who was great with the family- but apparently like to get rid of any other animals. I warned her after it killed one of her chinchillas. Well.... her full sized mare foaled during the morning right after everyone had left for work and school, and the dog got in with them. It must have been divine intervention that the neighbors happened to be leaving and heard their cow making a commotion and went to check. Without that, the filly would have been lost. As it was, it was many hours a day of tending wounds and giving medicine, but she survived and is doing great.

I beat her home from work when we got the call, and took care of the dog so it will never happen again. It was horrible.

I hope that you never go through this again, and sympathies to anyone that has. Best wishes for your other little one to heal well and be ok and HUGS to you- thank god you were home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry you are going through all this but at least you know what happened and have taken care of the problem so the rest of your little ones will be safe. I can't say "I'm sorry" enough!!

Having been though this myself very recently, I know the shock and horror you are feeling. When a trusted family member seeming turns in an instant, it's a betrayal that is hard to recover from. I'm so sorry that it happened again, but at least you know your babies are safe now.... Hugs sent your way...
Lisa I'm so sorry for such an awful tragedy at your place.

I know I myself wouldn't trust my dogs out with my horses unattended either. You just never know when that instinct of theirs will take over. Never say never because even the best trained and well behaved dogs can do these things when you never would expect it. I feel so badly for you and your whole family. HUGS

My condolences.
[SIZE=14pt]So very sorry for the loss of little Hershey and also the pain your filly went thru and you are going thru over your dog as well.... Praying for peace for you .[/SIZE]

:no: :no: :eek: I am so sorry, how horrible for you and your baby....Theresa
awww im so sorry, its an awful situation but thank god you were home!!!!! maybe you can move on now knowing that the dog was responsable :no: , i feel so sad for your situation,
My goodness you sure do have alot of grief on your plate! I'm so sorry, and hope that things calm down and get peaceful for you very soon.
OMG!!! :new_shocked: How awful!!! It is bad enough to know something like that has happened, but knowing it is your own dog, sure has to make it so much worse! I am so very sorry Lisa, and hope your little mare is OK!
Lisa, I am just so grateful you were home and found the dog. It is so hard to love and care for a dog and have then turn on your own animals. We have our 2 labs, and our old German Shepard, all, very sweet and gentle, these dogs are never allowed in the pastures with the horses, because you just dont know when the aggressive mood is going to kick in. (((HUGS)))) to you for everything you are going thru. Corinne
Oh Lisa! :eek: I'm so sorry!

But I'm so glad you listened to the Angel who whispered in your ear to stay home and didn't let you fall asleep, so you could save Naomi. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} to you. First Hershey and now this. Give Naomi a hug and have a good cry to release that hurt.

I know dogs, I LOVE dogs, but I will not have a dog here. When dogs show up here I feed them then we find them new homes. But we will not have a dog.
I'm so sorry Lisa
What a awful time you've been having. Sorry

Thank God you listened to your gut instincts and stayed home......

What a hard few months you've had......And this latest one being almost a triple tragedy. :no:

Hope your filly will be okay.


I am also sorry for the devastation you have experienced,I cannot begin to imagine what you have and are going thru, hugs my friend,

I'm doubly sorry for your loss - we have had issues with our family dogs too, and I know it's a hard thing to deal with. Some consolation at least that you know who the agressor was and have dealt with it. So sorry...


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