I don't know why people keep saying he is hiding his taxes....they are there for everyone to see...now for Obamas long form birth certificate, that has yet to show up!
The long form birth certificate has shown up and been seen and been verified... thus is old news and I am not sure why it keeps coming back. Just because Sherriff "Get Me Media Attention In Any Way Possible" Joe Arpaio had his own posse "investigate" it - and OF COURSE they found it to be a fraud?? Well, seriously - what other solution were they going to come up with??!! That was a no-brainer. And the only one who takes Sherriff Joe seriously about such matters is... Sherriff Joe. And maybe his hand=picked "posse".
If all the dull and boring tax returns in question are out there for all to see and peruse - then why the ongoing discussion on the right that Romney does not need to turn them over? Even this morning on the radio - with some GOP tax specialists and financial gurus discussing it. Apparently they were unaware that all those returns have been made public as some have said here... guess those guys are all fools and do not have a clue what they are talking about!
I really could care less about that kind of nonsense. Stick to the issues and not trying to find some way to "get" the other candidate. Romney could buy us all many times over. He is going to have tax shelters, offshore bank accounts and so on and so forth. I could care less.
And for the last time -
how stupid do some people think the Republican Party and McCain are? They investigated the entire birth certificate issue back in 2008 - and of there was ANYTHING amiss, ANY shadow of a doubt... they would have used it and Obama would not be President now. I am sure the SS, FBI, CIA etc. would also have checked it out. There was no question, no doubt - and nothing they could use. They saw all the certificates - long form and everything else. It should be a non-issue - and the focus should be on the REAL issues. For BOTH candidates.
Actually, if there were 3 more viable parties and candidates - a lot of this "digging up dirt" nonsense and vitriol and venom would evaporate - and everyone would be far too busy actually presenting their platform and discussing the real issues -
what a concept!! - and not birth certifcates and tax returns.