Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
Well our club hosted its first sanctioned A/R show this past weekend and I had a fantastic time. I came home exhausted on Sunday afterwards since I was both an exhibitor and a volunteer. No rest at all.
I met lots of great people and saw some old friends, got lots of new info and tips and am definitely hooked on showing One of my favorite things is to introduce new people to minis and I am always willing to stop and let someone get to know my horses and answer questions (unless I'm on my way into a class of course ) On the last day of the show I was standing with my yearling stallion (who took Grand Champion Yearling stallion ) when a couple of people approached and asked if they could pet him. The first woman starts stroking his neck and looks up and asks the standard question, "What's the difference between a mini and a pony?" and before I can open my mouth and say a word the other woman answers her, "Oh, a mini is finished growing and a pony is a baby yet." (Ponies are all young, they'll be horses when they finish growing." Well she went on in that vein for some time, pontificating with great firmness and she and her friend wandered off while she continued to tell her all she knew about horses and minis. I was left standing there with my jaw hanging open and a stupid look on my face lol. So next time you are asked be sure to explain to people that ponies are just babies and will soon grow and Minis of any age are all done growing LOL. I know I should have corrected her at least for her friends benefit but I was quite simply speechless
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