Worked him for half an hour in the round pen and really made him listen- this was after I had driven him out in just the halter (ground driving) and he was very, very naughty, tried to take off, resisted as much in the halter as he had done in a bridle, reared, jumped up and down on the spot and generally got a very loud talking to about his behaviour in general. Yesterday he had tried to decamp with the cart again and I was so cross I pulled him round in a circle, jumped in front of him and picked him up and shook him! No mean feat, I am not sure who was more surprised but I decided I was not doing that again
I have found I have allowed him to get some very bad habits, and now we have to go back and sort them out, and It is really my fault, I cannot blame him for taking advantage. I changed the bit, and he is a lot happier in a bar bit, fine, that gave me a chance to do a bit of listening without him jiggling around. I have been harnessing and unharnessing in the same place every day, and then feeding, consequently I now have a horse who really only wants to get back to one place and fill his face!
So, today we started off with half the feed before he worked, and in a different spot, then we did a bit of going in and out of all three gates, coming back, going half way, turning- you get the idea- then we worked in the round pen, longreining form the middle and making him stay out on the rail, which he hated- he has always been able to cut corners when I was working him loose and he saw no reason why he should stop! I gave him one.
Actually, I gave him quite a few reasons, and after about 1/4 hour he actually settled into a working trot on the rail either way- success.
Then I asked for a proper walk- again with the resisting- when he is loose I have a lot of trouble getting a walk, he will "fall"forward into a trot all the time or come to a halt,anyway, today he walked, albeit crossly.
Then we went out into the main field and practised going in and out of that gate, which he also hated, then I finally hitched him up and I think he was just so relieved to actually be doing something he understood he was really quite good.
After we had done a bit of that I unhitched him and we went in and out of the gate again and back into the last yard, where I untacked him and led him through to another new place where he was fed.
It is all a bit like the "National Confuse a Cat Week" sketch form Monty Python, but I shall either be dead or very fit by the time this animal is actually driving.