Wow, same as a “flatulent houseâ€, I had never even heard of this writer, his books, or this movie, until this week.
My first knowledge was just yesterday when I saw a preview on tv talking about it in the only few minutes I’ve managed to have a spare moment to set in front of it long enough to even catch what ever crosses the screen lately. I simply thought it was a neat Disney feature, and whimsically commented here on the forum in the rare occasion that I’ve had opportunity to even visit here lately. Same as I had about other movies I wanted to go see, and then comment on among what I thought was a welcoming friendly group of like interests.
In reading some of these responses though, I feel compelled to comment, however unwelcome that may or may not be.
I find it hurtful, I guess, in that it seems any thing of Christian Faith must be blatantly shunned on this forum, at least for the most part (vocally), and being that I am of Christian Faith, comments like this really make me feel equally blatantly shunned and outright unwelcome. If that is the case, then please just clarify outright of that so that I don’t overstay my visit.
I didn’t mean for my post to cause any ruckus or anything, and definitely had no incline that there was even any remote connection to a faith base of ANY kind, however “veiled†or no. Like the last movie I saw an ad about, I went to see and loved it and shared my joy in that. Or at least that what I thought occurred. That was the movie “Dreamerâ€. Irreguardless of my personal “faithâ€, THAT movie spoke a message to me. But I don’t see reason to go an dissect that an shun parts that may have been offensive because of what I personally believe, that may have been different from what the movie “veiled†to me. Same can be said to just about EVERY movie ever made. Some obscenely offensive to me, and I either made the personal choice to view or pass over.
But that’s not my point I’m trying to make here, LOL, as that in itself is a whole other topic all it’s own.
What I am trying to get at though, is I’m sorry I mentioned it this particular movie I guess. Please forget this post and Mary Lou, if you feel it necessary to lock or delete this thread, I understand. As I guess it must be quite offensive to most here.
I truly just thought it was a neat new upcoming movie to go see and talk about among friends, like we did the last one. Ok, so I was wrong. I understand that now.
It seems blatent in that by virtue of the “veil†that attracts and draws us all together “hereâ€, (in our particular case…our mutual love of mini horses, a veil in it’s own I would like to think anyways), it is always “unveiled†by the seemingly fact that as long as we are not of a particular “faithâ€, then yes, let’s all chum together. But, if you bring “that†into the mix…then …well. It’s not feeling so homey anymore. That saddens me, and yeah…it hurts. But, then that must be the point, I guess. I think I definitely want to go see this movie now. Yeah, I think I need to…for some unknown (or rather “veiledâ€) reason or another. I’ll have extra popcorn if anybody wants to chum along. No, that's not a "veiled plea" either...nothing more than a plain and simple, GENUINE invite.