The Chronicles of Narnia:

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'm so excited to go see this movie when it comes out. I haven't read any of the books, but have heard of them. Hoping to go see the movie though when it comes out after Dec. 9th.

If any of you get to see it, would love to hear some of your reviews too!

CLICK HERE to see the movie trailers and info...
I can't wait to see the movie, also. I read the book to my children when they were younger. We would read one or two chapters a night and we all couldn't wait until the next night to find out what happened next. It looks like it is a really well done movie.
I read those books years and years ago and just loved them. I am looking forward to the movie as well.

Must be a kid at heart, I am a Harry Potter fan too.
My aunt told me about this book and I have been meening to check it out at our librairy...thanks for reminding me! Oh - and I didnt realise that a movie was coming out - will definatly have to take my daughter to that!!
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is required reading for kids in grade 5 where I come from. It is a very good book, and in my opinion the best and most famous of the series. I wonder if they will do anymore of the Narnia books?
My 4th grade son has just read all the books in the series twice if that tells you what he thinks of them.
We are definitely going to see the movie. I read many of the books when I was younger and it's kind of neat to be able to see your children enjoying books you enjoyed as a youngster.
I read some of the books when I was a kid and really, really loved them! My fourth grade teacher read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe outloud to our class each afternoon and it was so good
I think there must be an "off" switch in my head about these kind of things!! I HATED this series when I was a kid (not long after they were written
) I HATED JRR Tolkein and I HATE Harry Potter- I can sit through the films if I have to, as the effects are good, but the Tolkein series?? No way, so gloomy with holes in the plot you could hide your Grandmothers treasure in!! The basic plot of L.W &W is sound- I actually waded two chapters into the first book before I bogged down and failed. I was about 13 I think, maybe younger. Then I was reading a SF story and read about CS Lewis in the autobiography bit. The Narnia series are a Christian Parable- which explains why I bogged down on it- far too much I could not accept. These books are fine if you are Christian, they should not be required reading for non Christians, I think. The Narnia Film, of course will have shed all the "message" bit and looks like being a blast. I could not sit through it in the Cinema but I'll certainly get it on Video- or just wait and get it on the movie channel!!

These books after all, started all the Star Wars, every book with any sort of Messiah theme (which is just about them all!!) that came after.

And CS Lewis is a very good writer- I just wish he had not "dumbed it down" for kids- the SciFi story, that I read at the same time, with NO "veiled references" was fantastic.
I recently got the Narnia Chronicles and have been reading them. They are very good for all ages. I never read them before.

Yes, the lions name is Aslan.

I must have really been in outer space when I read the books in high school. I never caught on to the message, probably would have tossed the books if I had known. I just enjoyed the stories as stories. Still do.

I am with you on the Lord of the Rings. Can't even sit through the movies, they put me right to sleep.
Rabbitsfizz I'm mostly with you. Hated the hobbits hated Narnia but I like Harry Potter. I don't like having the Christian mythos shoved down my thoat . But then I've been a witch for 55 years yesterday,since I was 5.
HOLD it ...back up the stinkin truck.........LOVED NARNIA ....loved alot of other fairy tales and fantasy.......NEVER CAUGHT THE christian mytho's y'all are talking about.......and believe me I usually me those were just pure fantasy....oh wait hold on......yeppers....keep forgetting ...I am different as I like mythology/fantasy..... ALL of's religion is tomorrow's mythology.......

My son cannot wait to see it they have been reading the book at school.......

I also like harry potter movies as they are quite fun....never have read any of the books.........

And the hobbit's ...well the movies are darn fun viewing and again actually better than the books

kinda fun to look back at what I was reading at 8 and 9
wow such a longgggg time ago

I was really shocked and dismayed when the series I loved as a child and grew up knowing was turned into a christian ordeal. Who cares what the author was, who cares about what the thought may have been or "veiled references".

If someone had told me it was a "jesus book" when I was younger, I may have gotten that in the plot line, but even now I still have trouble linking a lion who talks and that's filled with magic, wiches, werewolves, centaurs, and other things, to all the christ stuff.

I really get aggitated as I feel like some of my good friends (older w/ children) will miss out because they don't want their kids "brain washed" by the whole church cult thing. A moto I can understand and support, but it would just truly stink to throw out the good works by writers that happen to also have some religion. (You would end up throwing ALL the good older stories/books/novels away!)

I think of All those books and stories mentioned as your basic good vs evil, and simply enjoy the story. Then again I also really enjoy sci-fi and works of fantasy, so I am not as apt to look for the "hidden message"
It opens here Dec. 8th, I think, but we got free tickets to a sneak preview of it this coming Saturday morning at the Mall of America and are taking all of our kids.

My daughter is very, very excited. She has read the books.

I haven't read the books, so I will give you my review of the movie and also what my daughter who is 10 years old thinks since she read the books first.

She was a little disapointed in the new Harry Potter movie because so much was left out from the book but what can you expect, the movie was almost three hours with what they DID include in the plot.
Wow, same as a “flatulent houseâ€, I had never even heard of this writer, his books, or this movie, until this week.

My first knowledge was just yesterday when I saw a preview on tv talking about it in the only few minutes I’ve managed to have a spare moment to set in front of it long enough to even catch what ever crosses the screen lately. I simply thought it was a neat Disney feature, and whimsically commented here on the forum in the rare occasion that I’ve had opportunity to even visit here lately. Same as I had about other movies I wanted to go see, and then comment on among what I thought was a welcoming friendly group of like interests.

In reading some of these responses though, I feel compelled to comment, however unwelcome that may or may not be.

I find it hurtful, I guess, in that it seems any thing of Christian Faith must be blatantly shunned on this forum, at least for the most part (vocally), and being that I am of Christian Faith, comments like this really make me feel equally blatantly shunned and outright unwelcome. If that is the case, then please just clarify outright of that so that I don’t overstay my visit.

I didn’t mean for my post to cause any ruckus or anything, and definitely had no incline that there was even any remote connection to a faith base of ANY kind, however “veiled†or no. Like the last movie I saw an ad about, I went to see and loved it and shared my joy in that. Or at least that what I thought occurred. That was the movie “Dreamerâ€. Irreguardless of my personal “faithâ€, THAT movie spoke a message to me. But I don’t see reason to go an dissect that an shun parts that may have been offensive because of what I personally believe, that may have been different from what the movie “veiled†to me. Same can be said to just about EVERY movie ever made. Some obscenely offensive to me, and I either made the personal choice to view or pass over.

But that’s not my point I’m trying to make here, LOL, as that in itself is a whole other topic all it’s own.

What I am trying to get at though, is I’m sorry I mentioned it this particular movie I guess. Please forget this post and Mary Lou, if you feel it necessary to lock or delete this thread, I understand. As I guess it must be quite offensive to most here.

I truly just thought it was a neat new upcoming movie to go see and talk about among friends, like we did the last one. Ok, so I was wrong. I understand that now.

It seems blatent in that by virtue of the “veil†that attracts and draws us all together “hereâ€, (in our particular case…our mutual love of mini horses, a veil in it’s own I would like to think anyways), it is always “unveiled†by the seemingly fact that as long as we are not of a particular “faithâ€, then yes, let’s all chum together. But, if you bring “that†into the mix…then …well. It’s not feeling so homey anymore. That saddens me, and yeah…it hurts. But, then that must be the point, I guess. I think I definitely want to go see this movie now. Yeah, I think I need to…for some unknown (or rather “veiledâ€) reason or another. I’ll have extra popcorn if anybody wants to chum along. No, that's not a "veiled plea" either...nothing more than a plain and simple, GENUINE invite.
You can absolutely chalk this up to my ignorance, but I did not and do not really know what the Christian tie ins to the story are. I just enjoyed the stories.
Ok I was not directing anything at anyone ...however my brain is fully fogged and I am only about 1/2 co point was I liked the books they were really fun to read as a was Alice in Wonderland and ya know I didn't catch all the drug related mytho's of that one either......of course I was 8 or 9 so I was reading the books for fun not for some greater for christianity I am all for it each his own..bhuddist great...hindu....jewish....satan worshipppers.....really do not care one way or the other......for me it is about the person.......a good person is a good person and good deeds will always be good deeds...regardless of what god a person does or doesn't pray too..........

SWA said:
Wow, same as a “flatulent houseâ€, I had never even heard of this writer, his books, or this movie, until this week.
My first knowledge was just yesterday when I saw a preview on tv talking about it in the only few minutes I’ve managed to have a spare moment to set in front of it long enough to even catch what ever crosses the screen lately.  I simply thought it was a neat Disney feature, and whimsically commented here on the forum in the rare occasion that I’ve had opportunity to even visit here lately.  Same as I had about other movies I wanted to go see, and then comment on among what I thought was a welcoming friendly group of like interests. 

In reading some of these responses though, I feel compelled to comment, however unwelcome that may or may not be.

I find it hurtful, I guess, in that it seems any thing of Christian Faith must be blatantly shunned on this forum, at least for the most part (vocally), and being that I am of Christian Faith, comments like this really make me feel equally blatantly shunned and outright unwelcome.  If that is the case, then please just clarify outright of that so that I don’t overstay my visit.

I didn’t mean for my post to cause any ruckus or anything, and definitely had no incline that there was even any remote connection to a faith base of ANY kind, however “veiled†or no.  Like the last movie I saw an ad about, I went to see and loved it and shared my joy in that.  Or at least that what I thought occurred.  That was the movie “Dreamerâ€.  Irreguardless of my personal “faithâ€, THAT movie spoke a message to me.  But I don’t see reason to go an dissect that an shun parts that may have been offensive because of what I personally believe, that may have been different from what the movie “veiled†to me.  Same can be said to just about EVERY movie ever made.  Some obscenely offensive to me, and I either made the personal choice to view or pass over. 

But that’s not my point I’m trying to make here, LOL, as that in itself is a whole other topic all it’s own. 

What I am trying to get at though, is I’m sorry I mentioned it this particular movie I guess.  Please forget this post and Mary Lou, if you feel it necessary to lock or delete this thread, I understand.  As I guess it must be quite offensive to most here.

I truly just thought it was a neat new upcoming movie to go see and talk about among friends, like we did the last one.  Ok, so I was wrong.  I understand that now. 

It seems blatent in that by virtue of the “veil†that attracts and draws us all together “hereâ€, (in our particular case…our mutual love of mini horses, a veil in it’s own I would like to think anyways), it is always “unveiled†by the seemingly fact that as long as we are not of a particular “faithâ€, then yes, let’s all chum together.  But, if you bring “that†into the mix…then …well.  It’s not feeling so homey anymore.  That saddens me, and yeah…it hurts.  But, then that must be the point, I guess.  I think I definitely want to go see this movie now.  Yeah, I think I need to…for some unknown (or rather “veiledâ€) reason or another.  I’ll have extra popcorn if anybody wants to chum along.  No, that's not a "veiled plea" either...nothing more than a plain and simple, GENUINE invite. 


I Never ment to imply that Anyone's faith is wrong or un-welcome excetra, (And who in the heck would I be to say that anyways!) and upon re-reading my post, I can see how it would come out that way, and I didn't intend it too.

I am simply upset that such a great Book has been spun into a poltical weapon using religion as an excuse. I am one to live and let live, but find that often, other faiths try to impose their views on My life via Laws they are trying to change or affect, and it just aggrivates me.
(A view that others kinda took to an extreme in this case IMO, as I still think This book, is just a good story!)

I have found this forum to be overall very "Churchish" and it does not stop or encourage me to enjoy it one iota. But then again, almost all the members on here share a common intrest, and are not trying to change mine or anyone else's mind.

I belive that you bringing up this movie was a great idea, as it's a Really great book and looks to be even a better film.
Just because all us bossy mares have differnt opnions about it, (much of it being stirred up from the media and not original thought
) Does Not mean it wasen't a good idea! It was and is a good idea, and I think you will see more good here then bad about the movie, the book was a real crowd pleaser. Please don't feel hurt and offended, we were all just sharing our thought and opnions!

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