Any news yet? Got a new little LB Member to tell us about yet? If not, hang in, he'll be here soon. If he is here, HUGE CONGRATS!! and hope you're feeling well.
I voted for Shane but also love Sean, my sons middle name. Irish for John.
Coming from Ireland we use more traditional names than Americans do!
When my daughter was born and I named her Julia, which is a very old name, I mean it is mentioned in the bible!, my relatives said "Do you mean Julie?" I said No it is Julia, they said "Oh, that is kind of different sounding!!!!!!!!" Many of the older ones just can't seem to get around the confusion and still call her Julie
She is 6!!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting!
Hope it all goes well for you!
My sister in law in Ireland had her fourth baby today, a beautiful healthy baby girl! Now she has boy, girl, boy, girl!!!! She named her Grace!!!!
I really like "S" names too, and actually the names I like if I were to ever have children are both "S" names - for a girl Stella and my favorite boy name is Stetson