I agree that an animal on the endangered species list is a no-no. I dont agree with that, simply because it's endangered and dont want to see any creature become extinct.
I dont know one rancher here (and I was married to one for years) that purposely treated their cattle or any other animals in a bad way simply because they were raised for slaughter. Those cattle, sheep, chickens or what have you, is your lively hood and your living and you cant afford to lose them due to neglect, disease, etc.....
When you go to the grocery to buy milk or meat, you dont know what specific animal it came from. How do you know for sure that that steak you are going to eat came from old Buttercup, the neighbors pet cow or was it from a range cow that is wilder than a deer? The romantic notion that all horses need to be saved just is not reality.
There are horses being turned loose here now quite often to fend for themselves. See my other post on the sick mare that was just rescued here. She is being euthanized tomorrow. Her owner who had her as a 'pet' decided she was not worthy, and with a raging infection, bad teeth, arthritis and several hundred pounds underweight, turned her loose in the desert, where there is no salt, no water, no feed due to the droughts, no farrier, no vet and no kind voice or hand to comfort her. I would have rather seen this horse slaughtered for something than to go through what she has already. It's one of the most horrible cases I have seen.
Someone else told me they recently rounded up EIGHT horses that were turned loose to fend for themselves- and two are pregnant. What happens when one gets hit by a car at night? Or runs into a fence and severely injures itself? Or has a problem foaling and dies a slow and horrible death out there by herself with a foal still in her she could not have. Is this the kind of ending that people think is a good one for their 'beloved' pet?
The rescues are so over crowded and the donations are way down... they will NOT take any more horses- they CANT. Every one I know, some that have been in exhistance for many years, are barely staying afloat and cannot take one more animal.
If there is no other avenue for these animals, what is to happen to them? Do you know that your euthanized dogs and cats go to rendering plants and end up back in pet food? Is it ok to feed Fido, who was euthanized because he had kidney failure, to Fluffy?
I just dont understand why folks are so appalled at eating horse meat, when they aren't about other animals, some of which may have been loved or a pet at one time too. I have been a horse nut since I was a kid, and love them more than anything, and have worked with all kinds of them over the years, and hate to admit that for some, a 'vacation' in France may be a better ending than other ways they could end up. Flame away, but I try to be very blunt and realistic about things and life in general and I just see nothing wrong with eating horse meat.