The killer of houseplants here, suggestions as to

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
I love house plants. But I have one huge problem. They have a death sentence just by entering my house. Now I can grown any plant out side,,,,,,,,,,just none inside. :no:

I have places with full sun, partial sun and no sun. I really do water them according to instructions.

Do you have suggestions as to any plants that I CAN keep alive? I have tried many suggestions in the past, plants I was told I couldn't kill even if I tried. I didn't try, and they still died.

I'm no help, but I'm also an admitted plant killer. Not on purpose either it just happens. I finally gave up and bought plastic ones...........LOL

But I would love to hear everyones suggestions.
My mom can even kill the plastic ones! (leaves then in direct sunlight and they get bleached out) :lol: Honestly, I'm not much better. I had an ugly little plant one time that lived for about 6 months, till I got (and killed) a potted rose, after which my ugly plant died of sympathy (best I can guess anyway LOL). So, I;d say pick the ugliest, saddest looking plant in the store and it will never die. :bgrin
Cactus! Aside from Orchids (which aren't easy keepers), cactus are just about the only plants I can keep alive... oh, and Sago Palms.
How about an Air Plant?? :lol:

You just mist them, oh maybe once a month. That's it! My mom has a really cool one, it's in a conch shell. She, too, cannot keep a plant alive to save her life, but she's had her air plant for quite a while.
Air plants are awesome! Bamboo is, too...

I've also always wanted to try a Bonsai tree.
l have a BIG BLACK thumb so pay big for the looks real but isn't. My mother has a green green thumb and even the uglist little snip from somewhere she can bring to life in no time. Just bugs me to no end to see that and have to listen to how anyone can grow a plant. :lol:
I am absolutely no good at indoor plants BUT did discover the absolute joy of african violets. I just love em. They thrive on indifference and being ignored. Water once a week, don't get the leaves wet and pluck any dead weekly too. I just started some new babies, lots of em! Takes about 30 days to get them roots but if I can figure a way to send some to you I will.
I tend to forget about my plants, but can usually manage to keep Pothos plants alive (they might be philodenrons, they both look similar), they are a nice vining plant, the solid green are hardier than the varigated varieties.
Is there any that grow well in low light? How about if ya forget to water them?
any of the ones in the pothos family will grow decent in a lower light. Wondering jews are easy to grow too. so are Norfork Island pines.(cant forget to water them..they will drop there lower branches) I have alot of plants, and use to have well over 1,500 african violets,all different varieties...I LOVE the ruffled varigated types. a friend and I were going to start to raise them commercially so I have all the growcarts and everything, but so far ..that seems to be on hold! Demi, if you havent figured out a way to send rooted leaves or just leaves email me..I can tell you how we did it for years and all always arrived in good shape.. :bgrin Anyone need growcarts--I have about 8 I would sell, 5 are redwood with 5 tiers.
: Corinne
Jade Plants are great; so easy and tough. I have several. My big one is a cutting off of my mom's, which is over one hundred years old and has been in my dad's family for generations. My little ones are cuttings off of my big one. So they are all family heirlooms.

I can forget to water them for weeks and they are fine. I knocked my big one over once and a couple of branches broke off. I just stuck the branches in water, they rooted out and now are their own plants.

Here's a link:
I love house plants. But I have one huge problem. They have a death sentence just by entering my house. Now I can grown any plant out side,,,,,,,,,,just none inside. :no:

I have places with full sun, partial sun and no sun. I really do water them according to instructions.

Do you have suggestions as to any plants that I CAN keep alive? I have tried many suggestions in the past, plants I was told I couldn't kill even if I tried. I didn't try, and they still died.

hmmm how about dried arrangements...or they make some pretty cool silk flowers/plants now days.......I am not alot of help as I suffer the same problem
: and I don't know when this happened I used to have houseplants....lets see...then came dogs, cats, hubby, kids.......other animals.....hmmm plants all died somewhere in there

I have taken up making arrangements of feathers, and collecting bones :new_shocked:
Plant murderer here.

Pothos. Even I can't kill them. I neglect them for a month. They die. I bring water. They ARISE!
If you have a water softner the water is salty and will kill your plants. I found that out the hard way. :no:

I don't kill them off any more :aktion033: I water with water from an outside hydrant now.
:saludando: Eveeryone always gives me silkkk plants, because I even kill cactus and jade plants.
Ficus, Dracaena (sp?) and spider plants do pretty well, here.

All of the above deal with the forgetfulness of me watering them infrequently and they like medium to full light.

I have some plants that are as old as my 16 year old son, so I know I must be doing something right though the hubby complains that I don't water them enough. If they DO get to looking sad, just take a little extra care of them here and there and they will soon be fine.

One of the Ficus trees I left upstairs and probably didn't water in almost a year and it is still alive and well. *LOL*

I think one of the number one killers of houseplants is overwatering.

Liz M.

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