Art is giving me 5 mins on the comp...
Now, how am I to say thank you and gossip in 5 mins?????? Everything went as expected for the most part. I DO NOT LIKE BEING AWAKE FOR THESE PROCEDURES!!!!!! 3 hours of awake in surgery....after the first 15 mins I was ready to go home. So, the Dr put 30 platinum plates and 20 coils in me. It will take approx. up to 3 months to know if they will work. He wants me back in 30-40 days for the second step. They had trouble with my blood pressure staying low. at one point for over 3 hours it was 55/35
. They were afraid that I was bleeding so back to the MRI and it showed no bleeding, so they chalked it up to the re-direction and shut off of the blood flow and heavy pain meds, and had a nurse in my room for the entire time to monitor me. By last night it was 115/75 so they let me go home, they wanted me to stay one more day, but my charms and good looks (hee hee) won in the end. All in all I am doing well, I feel like I have done a zillion sit ups, and I am a little frail, lost a few pounds...Black and blue where they tried and tried to get an IV in. My veins are in such bad shape. Five mins already
, Dr Art said I have to go
I will come back when he is at work tomorrow. Again, Thanks to everyone....Theresa and Art
PS>>>Robin, Art told me you hugged him, thank you, he really needed that. You and Karrell are the best! Hope to see you tomorrow or Friday, Karrell said he would bring you by...

PS>>>Robin, Art told me you hugged him, thank you, he really needed that. You and Karrell are the best! Hope to see you tomorrow or Friday, Karrell said he would bring you by...