Theresa so glad to hear that your home. I bet its good to sleep in your own bed. You rest up and take care of yourself, you need to get your strength back up. Are you drinking some Boost or something? Now for some good home therapy called lovin on Dreamer and all the rest of your fur friends. Take care dear Theresa, so good to see your post.
Ohh Theresa, I am SO GLAD to hear you finally got some good news, and that you are home. Now, I know its going to be tough living with Dr. Art, but you really do need to follow Drs. orders.. Take it easy and rest. (((hugs)))
Theresa, it's great to hear from you, and that you are on the mend! Sounds like a long road to go yet, but also VERY hopeful now, yay!! You had better follow orders so that you can get better. I know, not your style, but do it anyway, lol!