When we were kids, my mother always said that we'd never remember if she kept the house clean, but we'd remember if she played with us...no truer words were ever spoken (but she never intended for me to take her so seriously! My dad always said that a clean desk was the sign of a sick mind...I took that one to heart, too...)
With six kids, my mom could never come up with the right name and would run through the list of all six kids, plus a few pets as well...
She still says, when serving food: "Take the one closest to you, even if you have to turn the plate."
I grew up in a very close extended family, so I remember a lot of great quotes from various relatives.
My grandmother, when complimented on her cooking, would say: "Oh, it's just something I threw up."
My grandfather was always saying, when we walked in front of the TV, "You make a better door than a window!"
My aunt, who was pretty conservative, turned into a wild woman in the car and cursed the other drivers -- yet she would never swear in front of us kids, so she would cut loose with a loud and vehement, "Oh, you blankety-blank-blank-blank!!!"
The same aunt, who never married, used to always apply lipstick, even at the beach or on a picnic. We'd ask her why, and she always answered "You never know when you'll meet a handsome man who says "I love you!"