I had been a big dog person my whole life. My parents raised harlequin great danes on a very small scale, before I was school age so I was raised literally with them
Had Dobermans for years, St. Bernard, rough Collie, etc and LOVED every single one of them. When my beloved Seth died at 14 (92 pounds of muscle red Doberman) it took a very very long time for me to be able to get another dog, but my life is not complete without them. Volunteered at our local shelter alot and my studio did their educational videos etc. Cleaned alot of cages and helped rehabilitate rescues including foster care, and all seemed to always be large dogs. That spot was still, and still is, reserved for Seth.
One day I saw a tiny, scrawny 4 month old Chi mix. His barely heard whimper to me broke my heart, and my resolve. He came home with me and is the most loving and easiest to train dog I have ever had. I have never done anything in reprimand but my voice. That is all he needs, and he is very smart. Jimmy Jam is 16 pounds. His other half is some type of terrier that only his parents know for sure. Even though he is bigger than a purebred Chi, I worry about him no less. He is different then any dog I have had so I researched Chis a bit and found what I love about him most are actually Chi characteristics. His is extremely loyal and devoted to me but also loves my husband. He and our Rat Terrier are a great pair. Bea is a bigger Rat at 26 pounds.
Jims will stand up to the largest dog and go after them if loose so he is always leashed. Chis don't realize how small they are. They also can be clannish, prefering their own kind, and I have seen this in Jims. He adores everyone on two legs and even though Bea growls and barks like crazy when someone comes to the door, there's Jims wagging his tail and assuming a submissive pose. He also loves little children (which we don't have). I do not take him loose by the horses, not even our three wee dwarfs as I don't want him to be hurt. He was the easiest dog I ever had to housebreak and he goes outside. Jimmy Jam and I have shared 10 years together and I hope for many more.
One thing you need to be aware of is that these guys love to be snuggy warm and if you leave clothes or a blanket or anything on the floor, they will curl up in it or under it.
PLEASE be careful. I have almost stepped on Jims twice because I didn't see him right away and he never moved. A breeder told me about her friend that didn't notice her purebred Chi on some laundry she was sorting and she stepped back and crushed him.
I cannot imagine her horror and pain once she realized she had done this. Even though this is painful to hear, I am glad I was told because now I always look and have told my husband to as well. Several times I have found him in the dirty laundry I was getting ready to do and he never moved.
Our pastor has a purebred Chi that I absolutely love. She makes the rounds like a wild and crazy fly, jumping from lap to lap and bringing her toys, expecting snaks etc, during our weekly Bible study. I would take that little girl in a heartbeat if they would ever part with her! I have met other Chis who are very timid as well.
Good luck with your search. Interact with several before you decide, and you will know. Please keep us posted on what you decide.