Thinking about the rule proposal about abusive practices

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I think there's a few factors involved there. For one thing the so called "sport boots" for minis seem to have very little in common with their large horse cousins except shape. I have absolutely no confidence in their ability to absorb landing shock, only that of hitting a pole, and given that our poles are light PVC not heavy wood that doesn't particularly concern me. I'd like to see some studies put into how well the boots work! If they actually work then I'll use them.
Yup I have the same problem with these "sport boots." They are ill fitting, cheap, and provide NOTHING as far as shock absorption. While I applaude you Allison for taking Sid's protection as foremost importance, I really don't see me ever putting them on Montana when we jump. At home I occasionally jump 4 foot (he is a true jumper thru and thru, the higher the better....ahh if he were big...
) and then I use polo wraps, which provided more protection to the suspensory, sesimoids, and pastern because you can wrap them to fit. I would try that instead if you are looking for support, which I know you are probably terrific at doing since you rode dressage...we love us some polos, LOL

coming from an Eventing/jumper/hunter background I do not see the use of no boots abuse. I haven't seen reports in several years but last i knew boots provided very little sock absorbtion. that is just a misconception. They are mostly used for protection against knicks and bumps. they can support tendons to some extent but usually will not nessarily stop an injury. If you want shock absoprtion you really need to look into some sort of sneaker that takes the impact from the ground up.

Have you ever twisted an ankle? Have to have a support on it? that ankle will actually get WEAKER if you use the support all the time especially after it heals. In many ways i think if you use boots all the time you are opening your horses up for injury. In much of my training at home i don't use boots doing normal stuff. it gives those tendons and ligaments time to strengthen up on their own. If i was doing something with more exurtion or at show's ... sure i'd put boots on. At show's i'm opening up with speed a lot more ect.

I think just like everthing boots have their place and uses but i certainly wouldn't call it cruel to not use them (this coming from a big horse background).

I do agree cruelty is all in how one perceives it. what might be "cruel" to me may not be to the next guy. If you get right down to it do you think it's PLEASANT for a horse to be razored and gooped to the 9's?? Lets see.. swetted.. think that is a comfortable thing? I mean i don't think it's nessarily cruel..but i can't say as though i really would want it done to me. Now i'm not saying i think it's cruel or bad as I do it as well as most show people but i can't say i always have my horses in situations that i'd personally want to be in or treated with...

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