tiny really needs your prayers

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Kay and her family are such special people! Let's keep the prayers coming her way for Tiny!

hi karla! i was trying to sleep in but the dogs would have none of it LOL. I put an update on the other thread this morning as I didnt see this one. think i was still sleeping. Kyle was VERY upset but so relieved when we kept calling him and updating him. thank you so much for supporting us
I just read this, I am sorry about your Tiny, I will keep her in my prayers!!

Our veterinarian uses a... full horse sized stallion catheter as a mini tube. It was never used on a stallion for its intended purpose but it does the job on my little ones. Our vet purchased one years ago when Mercy colicked and has used them ever since.

The vet and I joked during Freedom's last colic episode as she fights the nose tube fiercely by rearing and throwing herself around...she must have been thinking, "Stallion catheter?! I am not letting you put that thing anywhere near me!" Tranquilizer helped change her mind.

Hope Tiny pulls through! Prayers and hugs sent her way!


Silversong Farm

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