Tiny update

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I got plenty of candles for everyone.

I lit a whole bunch!
: This is all I can do. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers all day.

Wishing and praying for a good outcome. So sorry you and Tiny are going through this.


Lots of hugs and prayers for you and Tiny. It is so difficult to have these precious little horses sick.

Hoping today brings a good outcome.
im so sorry its taken me awhile to post. had to try and get myself together. Tinys suffering is over and she is at peace now. It was the hardest call I have ever had to make. I wanted so badly to be with her when she left this world but they had to hurry. They now suspect she had rabies. They have to act fast so she can be tested. Im so worried about Kyle now. They dont think our exsposure is high but no one will tell me if we need shots. we just have to wait for the state to test her and get it back. we do have a coon we have been trying to trap for a month now. rabies seems to be the only thing that fits her bizarre symptoms. I just cant believe shes gone. My brain is just overloaded right now worrying wether kyle was exsposed and the other horses.

Your posts and emails mean the world to me ad have kept me going. I feel so bad for the others that have had tragedy this week. My heart is with yours.

I keep looking out the window and cant imagine her never being there again. Patches and Dancer keep running to the fence when the truck pulls up. I know they are looking for Tiny. They were quite the 3 some of alpha mares. im so flooded with memories. tiny being born a fainting foal and the vet (having never seen one) said she would die and I should put her down. I refused and stayed up 48 hrs straight to keep her nursing. then i remember her laying in my lap. i totally spoiled her and she had no idea she was a horse. then i took her to my first show and she was a total brat and tried to get in my lap in the show ring. I remember lisa davis telling me i had to teach her to be a horse and she was right. even though she was a total brat she was always in the ribbons.

She was always a waterbaby. constantly standing in teh water trough which i would have to then go clean constantly. rusty always yelling at her to get out of the darn tank.

then came her colic surgery. she sailed thru and did so well and everyone at osu loved her. Then she lost her beautiful perfect foal.

I hope you dont mind me posting pictures. I cant even say how special she was. she taught me so much and touched my life so deeply. thank you all so much for being so good to us.

Tiny you have touched our lives so deeply and I will carry you in my heart forever




throwing a fit at her first show



Tiny after surgery

Oh Kay, I'm sorry just isn't enough to say........

Tiny was a bright light in your life and will remain so

for all your days.

Take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts.
Oh Kay.. I am so sorry for your loss. It really saddens me to read this.. She is free of suffering now.
Very sorry to read this this morning...
Oh Kay,

I am so very, very sorry.

Thanks for sharing her pictures - she will always have a very special place in your heart.


I'm SO SORRY!!! How heart wrenching. If they suspect Rabies (and the clinical symptoms seem to fit), please get your post exposure shots or at least call your primary physician. Rabies is not cureable and you don't have to be bit to be exposed. Praying for you and your family!!
Kay...my heart is just breaking for you...I've been there, with my "untouchable" Cody...and when you lose one of your "untouchables", you are left with a huge, huge hole in your heart. May time heal your pain, my friend. Please take care ... I am so, so sorry.... :no:

Liz R.
OMG Kay,,, I am so terribly sorry... I kept thinking you would get a good update. I am so saddened by your loss. Again, I am sorry.
No words seem to fit the situation Kay. You KNOW how sorry I am, and how concerned about you and Kyle. Please keep me posted as you have information. I love you.
Oh Kay, I am just reading through this today, and I was praying for a good outcome. I am so very truly sorry for your loss. :no:
The LORD puts animals in our lives for such a SHORT time. But in those brief moments they teach us SO VERY MUCH about love. I am so terribly sorry Kay.

I am so terribly sorry. My heart breaks for you.

I wish I knew the words that could ease your pain.

Thinking of you and sending you my warmest thoughts, in your time of grief.

Tiny's loving memory is yours forever.

With deepest sympathy.

Kay, words can not express how sorry I am for you and your family
Praying for you , Im so sorry..... :no:
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