I hope and pray that he recovers!
And I hope that with this latest episode and with all of the previous problems due to unleashed dogs that some legislation can be passed in your county. There are communities that levy VERY stiff fines to anyone who has an unleashed dog. If they don't pay the fine, the fine is added to their property tax. They don't pay the property tax, the property is sold at sheriff's auction. That usually gets their attention. And if they are renters - they can have their wages garnished. If they are on public assistance, there usually is a mechanism to have their welfare check garnished. $$$$ talks, BS walks. And with people like this, $$$ is the only club that will get their attention. A few neighbors get hit with fines, others will hopefully wake up. (The town where I used to live had a "nuisance/barking dog ordinance" - if the cops were called to tell an owner to put their dog inside where it would not disturb the neighbors - there was a $35 fine on their property tax bill. Multiple calls--not sure how many...they had to either surgically remove the voice box or get rid of the dog.)
And if anyone gets their underwear in a bundle over my comments, what would you think if this had happened to a CHILD?!?!? Thankfully this poor stallion was at least able to fight back to some degree. If this had been a child.....I don't think they would have been as fortunate.
Thanks for keeping us informed on how he's doing!