Since January of this year, CMHR has taken in three new horses. The first one is residing happily in foster care learning how to navigate with his new glue on corrective shoes and recovering from stifle surgery.
Another mare is still in Texas. We sent a vet out who has so far declined our request to move her to foster care so we are waiting until she is more stable to travel.
The third mare is Brownie. We were contacted about an old mare in dier straights who needed a 911 rescue. On Sunday, she was rescued from a deplorable situation that made our heads spin. She was seen quickly by a vet and X rays were taken of her feet, and she was treated for colic. A examination revealed a list of things going on with this mare that sent us reeling and we knew she couldn't be saved. Her horrific pain was administred to so she didn't know any pain for the two days she was in CMHR custody. We have other pictures of things in regards to this little mare that CMHR is not releasing to the public as they are very graphic in nature. We will relase her story in our next newsletter. Rest in Peace little Brownie.
Another mare is still in Texas. We sent a vet out who has so far declined our request to move her to foster care so we are waiting until she is more stable to travel.
The third mare is Brownie. We were contacted about an old mare in dier straights who needed a 911 rescue. On Sunday, she was rescued from a deplorable situation that made our heads spin. She was seen quickly by a vet and X rays were taken of her feet, and she was treated for colic. A examination revealed a list of things going on with this mare that sent us reeling and we knew she couldn't be saved. Her horrific pain was administred to so she didn't know any pain for the two days she was in CMHR custody. We have other pictures of things in regards to this little mare that CMHR is not releasing to the public as they are very graphic in nature. We will relase her story in our next newsletter. Rest in Peace little Brownie.