How do you go about training three distinct trots? I'm still in the ground training stage and she knows walk, trot, whoa, easy and speed-up-with-a-cluck pretty well. While free lunging she has a beautiful extended trot.
nbark said:My instructor uses "trot" for regular trot, "trot on" for working trot, "pace" for extended trot....
I was taught that the working trot is THE trot- the nice ground-covering gait the horse can comfortably hold for hours taking the family to town for church on Sunday. This gait is the primary one used in driven dressage tests and is the foundation of all others including the collected and lengthened trots asked for in more upper-level tests.My2Minis said:I was thinking of trot, working trot and extended trot. I've only been to watch one show- that was the fun show at the Monroe Fairgrounds last year and I seem to remember they asked for three trots, but maybe it was two. I know one was working trot.