Well-Known Member
Lyn and Carol...(still
fftopic: but...) There is nothing wrong with the term cart, carting or cart horse. Just because you don't use the term(s), does not make it wrong when others do.
Main Entry: cart
Function: transitive verb
1 : to carry or convey in or as if in a cart <buses to cart the kids to and from school -- L. S. Gannett>
2 : to take or drag away without ceremony or by force -- usually used with off <they carted him off to jail>
- cart·er noun
So I would think when that horse is used to carry a person in the cart, it is a propely used term.
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Main Entry: cart
Function: transitive verb
1 : to carry or convey in or as if in a cart <buses to cart the kids to and from school -- L. S. Gannett>
2 : to take or drag away without ceremony or by force -- usually used with off <they carted him off to jail>
- cart·er noun
So I would think when that horse is used to carry a person in the cart, it is a propely used term.

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