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Tows mine with five minis on board all over the country- this is my point- have you tried???
Dodge Ram here. We have a 99 1500 that has done us proud(hubby is itching for a 3500 diesel). It has about 170,000 miles. We bought a steel 3 horse Sundowner with an extended dressing room. That was one heavy trailer. That truck pulled that trailer like it was nothing. Up and down some of our worst mountains out here too. We now own a 2 horse aluminum gooseneck and you don't even know you're hauling it.

When I had my mini trailer I hauled it with my Nissan Pathfinder. That hauled like a dream.

I mentioned Fords to my husband and he refuses. Said he's had nothing but problems with them and won't own another one.

Just personal preference. I think there will be a lemon in every type of vehicle.

The only Ford he would be ok with would be a Mustang.
: I will own a convertible Mustand one day.

The only new car I've ever owned was in 1988 and it was a Mustang. I total lossed it in a flash flood 2 years later.
Tows mine with five minis on board all over the country- this is my point- have you tried???
No, and I'm not going to because no truck or van with that little an engine is rated to pull a trailer in this country. My SUV with a 3.5L is rated to tow just about 2500# and I'm not voiding a warranty nor do things to cause the need major repairs on my vehicles.
Unfortunately those 2.5 Ford diesels are not available in this country. Sounds funny that something made in the USA is not available here. I think because they are fuel efficiant our government won't allow them
: Since our politicians are in bed with the oil companies you won't see really fuel efficiant cars like that here
That is a whole nother discussion LOL
Weird- we can tow with a 1.9 litre diesel- it is the weight of the towing vehicle, not it's towing capacity that is governed by law.

The towing vehicle has to be equal in weigh to the loaded trailer- and have a brake power capable of stopping it.

Basically our government is not bothered if you want to ruin the vehicle starting the load (and 1.9 litre diesel is the lowest I would go, personally) but it IS concerned about whether or not you can STOP once you have started!!!

I find that weird- you do not have Transits??

I do not think Britain could function without Transits!!!

They have been until the last couple of years, predominantly white as it is easy to sign write a white van- which has led to the phrase "white van man" meaning an idiot who probably does not own the vehicle he is driving and therefore will not mind risking wrecking it in order to overtake you!!

They are dreadful in mud- they stick as soon as look at it, but hey can tow a trailer no problem, and few of the Land rovers have a much bigger engine, to be honest, and they can tow ANYTHING, literally, it is just that you lose mileage, and I cannot afford to.

I am looking at a Shogun 3.00 litre diesel that does 30 to the gallon and the same towing- now that is also optional four wheel drive, which would suit me, and has a "van" back- ie no windows, which is ideal for the dogs crates.

Oh and the Transit is made in Germany, not the US- it is an American company, for sure, but not manufactured in the US, a lot of the components are still made in England, in fact.
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Jane, by "rated" I mean per the vehicles owner's manual. I definitely have not "over done it" in terms of truck to trailer. Mine is an F150 with the biggest V8 they put in that model -- a 5.4L -- and as I said, it is used primarily for the horses. I drive it once in awhile because it's bad on a vehicle for it to sit and sit and not be run. I do not want to sink tons of money into repairs by getting too small a truck to do the job. I really can't think of something that would upset me more than being stuck on the shoulder of the highway with a trailer full of horses...
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Jill, I could not agree more.

It is just strange, isn't it, what different countries use??

My (by your standards) "little" 2.5 litre gets me everywhere I want and Transits do thousands and thousands of miles in Europe- we never use the (by our standards ) "huge " engine sizes you use in the US- if you had to pay our fuel prices over there I wonder how quickly your vehicle suppliers would change the ratings!!

Makes you think after all, touch wood, I have NEVER been stuck on the side of the highway with anything more than a flat tyre- and I have the RAC to fix that, that is what I pay them for!!

The Land rover I had a few years back when I could still afford a vehicle that only did 24 to the gallon, had a 2.5 litre engine in it yet is a four wheel drive vehicle known world wide for it's pulling ability- and certainly, being a four wheel drive, I never got stuck anywhere with it!!

Of course most of our vehicles are manual gears- and you do lose quite a lot of power with automatic transmission.

If I had a choice I would not tow with a vehicle without four wheel drive option, but, at the moment I do not have a choice.

My vehicle is rated, if that is the correct term, for towing a trailer quite a bit heavier than the one I have, and, in fact, I can tow a two horse, with two horses on board and still not have any trouble.

The only trouble I ever have is when we get onto a muddy field to show- then I do have to park facing down hill or I will get stuck.

The Transit is very low geared, and that, of course, gives more power.
Chevy Duramax vote here

They are the most comfortable ride IMO by far and pulls what I need great as well......(24ft, 11 horse trailer) up and down and around these Arkansas rodes....
Well, we are looking now for a new truck as ours is totalled and I have really been checking this thread out. I have a question about the diesels. Do you ever get use to the noise? I have only had gasoline engines and the old fart wants a diesel.

We have 2 duramax's diesels, one is a 2001 GMC(3500 dually, 4 door, 4x4)) with 145,000 miles and the other is a 2002 Chevy(2500 4 door 4x4) with 98,000 miles, both are just amazing wether pulling a load or driving around town. We tow a 16,000 lb trailer with hubbys mustang to the races all over CA and never once had any issues. I would not own anything other than a GMC product for a truck. The noise has never bothered me from the diesel, couldn't pay me to own a gas pickup again. Oh and for the braking, we still have the original brakes and have had them checked regularly, still have 75% on I can tell you that didn't happen with our DODGE or FORD pickup in the past.
Oh, I love the sound of the diesel. I have to say that mine is very quiet, you really don't hear the noise except when it first fires up. My old dually, a dodge was very noisy, but my chevy is so quiet.

Go test drive and see (or hear) for yourself. The diesels get way better mileage and the engines last a lot longer.
Mine is an F150 with the biggest V8 they put in that model -- a 5.4L --

That's what I've got and I can barely get out of my driveway with my trailer empty and it's not tall


I'ts tranny time...........
whoops, double post!~ Yikes...sorry
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Fran, the noise isn't that much of an issue, really.

Actually I LOVE the sound. Our 7.3 was a bit louder than our 6.0, but if you go look, the Ford is the quietest diesel (at least of the American trucks that I know of) off the assembly line/stock.

I wouldn't mind if mine sounded like a log truck *lol* but it's really pretty quiet.

You can get chips and tuners that change all of that, exhaust and such, but a stock Ford diesel (made by International remember) is quietest.

Anyway, yeah, Marty, sounds like you may have a transmission problem and I don't envy you one bit. It's not cheap to repair, but hopefully you have a good mechanic.

The 2008 Fords are going to have a new diesel engine in them, they are quitting the 6.0, and I don't remember off the top of my head what that is, but it's stronger and has around 600 ft. lb. of torque...hehe sounds impressive, huh?

I love, love, love, my truck.

The fact that the '03 that was wrecked was basically intact in the cab/passenger area is a big one to me...that wreck was 95 mph and 6 times rollover end to end/side to side, so even though I hope that never happens again, it makes me feel a little better to have something safe as well as strong.


(truck still ran/drove til the transmission fluid was all gone)

Liz M.
Mine is an F150 with the biggest V8 they put in that model -- a 5.4L --

That's what I've got and I can barely get out of my driveway with my trailer empty and it's not tall


I'ts tranny time...........
How heavy is your trailer? And how many miles is on your truck? Ours (a 2000) has under 50k on it and does have an extra transmission cooler installed... Found that out when we took it in to have one installed! Luckily the shop was honest and told us it already had one. Ours is rated to tow 8,000 pounds and my heaviest trailer is less than half of that amount. It acts like nothing is behind it... Maybe something is damaged in yours?
Chevy Silverado all the way! I LOVE my truck - it is a '99 model and we have had very few problems with it. It is definitely a working truck but cleans up nicely when you want.

I use it for everything and have had basically no problems with it!
Liz M. ~ what brand of truck is that ... I think it's a Chevy but hard to tell.

I must admit, I'm leaning towards the Chevy ..... my current truck is a 96 Chevy Suburban and like I said, has over 200,000 and all we've had to replace is the water pump. It's still running but my hubby hates the idea of me trekking across the countryside with 3 kids and horses, in something that has that many miles.

Ok, keep the input coming ... I want all the opinions I can get. :lol:

PS I LOVE the sound of my diesel VW ... so noice is the very very least of my concerns and like Liz said.. I wouldn't care if it sounded like a logging truck. I'm not sure we'll ever own another gas burner .... BioDiesel is the way to go ..........
I evidently need to go try a diesel out then. You all are awesome for information! Where else can a pack of women go to discuss trucks? LOL I know I will be glad to have another truck as this little rental car is driving me bonkers. It's like you have to unfold yourself to get out and bang your head getting in. It's a Dodge Charger and I absolutely will never see why people like them. UGH!

My Ford was an F150 FX4 with the 5.4 liter engine. We have a steel 3 horse slant with tack room (big horse trailer). You could deffinately tell you had a load. We felt the transmission acting up just a few times. Ron changed the tranny fluid etc and there were quite a bit of metal shavings in it. For that very reason we aren't going for another F150. Loved everything else about them but we don't feel they are the best for towing horse trailers.

Hey Fran, you and Kay and I need to get together for lunch some Friday, you can check out my truck then! BTW girls, I am free this friday....... Taking the day off since I have to feed in the morning and I can't deal with those frozen buckets at 4am!!!
justagirl, it WAS a 2003 F-250 Super Duty Diesel 7.3 liter ... 95 mph off the road, and down a 12' embankment where it rolled side to side then end over end 6 times...that truck was mostly intact, too, and was still driveable even though the transmission had been broken loose from the engine and leaked out all the fluid.

The fact that my husband (only occupant) lived through it makes me glad to buy another.

Liz M.

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