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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Who's planning to go see Breaking Dawn part 2? I'm going to watch it Sunday morning. I can't wait!
We'll watch it on DVD when it's out. I did like the books (but loved Meyer's The Host much more), but the movies haven't been my favorites so far. H has liked them more than I have (don't tell him I said so!)
Lol! I remember you saying the actress gets on your nerves.
Funny how you say that about your hubby...I'll be getting ready to go somewhere or up doing something and the next thing I know, our tv is on one of the Twilight movies. They seem to always have one of them playing on Showtime or HBO, and it never fails, my hubby always turns it there. I don't know if he's purposely trying to distract me or if he likes them more then he says he does. Lol
Oh man! Yeah, the actress seems to have had her personality surgically removed!!! So flat and monotone... even when I saw her as herself on Letterman years ago
I'll be watching it when the hype dies down. I don't enjoy the movies much, just loved the books and "have" to see them.

I agree with Jill, the Host is SO much better. They've made it into a movie too, unfortunately. I believe it comes out next year.
I saw it last night! It was SO good - definitely the best one of the series.

Jill - I completely agree with you! I despise Kristen Stewart. My biggest wish is that someone would have seen the potential for this series of movies when they were casting for the first one. Then maybe they would have actually hired "actors" instead of the hodge-podge of people we have. But once the first one was done, couldn't really change them. In spite of the actors, I enjoyed the movies especially after the first one where they actually started putting money into them and the special effects weren't so hokey!

Yep! It is kind of amazing that a top actress seems like she could fall into a nap momentarily

I did listen to the unabridged versions of each book (enjoyed them all), but I read books back to back and pretty quickly. I really do forget books too fast but my reading comprehension with audio books is better than with books I read in the traditional sense. Each time H and I watch a movie based on a book "I" listened to (and I did, too...), H remembers EVERYTHING it seems. He spots what is different in the movie vs. the book and I nearly never do
Barbara, I just watched it too. Hands down I thought it is the best movie in the series. I even think Kristen Stewart did a great job in this one. She didn't seem so depressed.
I only saw the first movie, and that was ages ago - while I certainly didn't think it was a stellar performance, I do think that Kristen Stewart was quite true to the character in the book.

Oh wait, I did see the second movie too! In the theater yet. I couldn't stop giggling during the bad special effects of Bella hallucinating Edward underwater. I got dirty looks from the Twihards.

Full disclosure - I wanted to smack Bella upside the head and tell her grow up for the first three books. Last one was better because half the book was Jacob's narration and Bella was less annoying after ... oh - don't want to spoil anything. Just because I didn't enjoy the books, doesn't mean I begrudge anyone else their enjoyment!
Kendra-I so agree! She was the only one who fit what I had imagined when reading the books. The rest....not so much.
I only read the first book, the character Bella was so annoying that I never had any interst in reading the others.
I read them all, liked the last book the best. (Bella needed an attitude adjustment badly in the first three). I have yet to see ANY of the movies!!

And The Host is AWESOME! There is suppose to be three books in the series, can't wait for #2.
Whoot!!! Lucy, I didn't know there were to be more books in The Host! LOVE that book!
DVD. I actually really enjoyed the books but the movies kind of ruined it for me. I knew Bella was pretty dependent on Edward but seeing it on the big screen made it more pathetic. It made me sad... Anyway, that being said, I've seen all the movies and will see this one too. The only one I saw in theaters was the first one.

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