Well, the benedryl did not help at all. This rash went from covering my stomache, to my entire torso and by Monday a.m. was showing on the top of my thighs and starting to affect my back. Within another two hours, my legs and arms were covered- it looked like the neighbors kids snuck in with their permanent red markers and spent a couple of hours making as many dots as they possibly could- then brushed me down good with poison ivy just for some extra effects.
I called the Dr. again and off I went to Urgent Care. By the time I got there, it had doubled on my arms and legs and was including my hands too. They sent me off with two prescriptions- a steroid and an antihistimine. All they told me was that the antihistimine would knock me out. I dont care, as long as the rash and ITCHING stopped!
Ok, nobody did tell me that the steroids make you 'cracked out' and even with the antihistimine, I only got one hour's sleep Monday night from 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning!!! I did sleep much better last night. However, I notice that if either of these pills start to wear off, the itching is only being held at bay and it is not making the rash go away.
Today is day five for the rash and my arms look better today and my stomache is looking better too, though that is where most of the itching still is. Not my legs though, but this tells me that hopefully it is going to start to work out of my system. It is still bad enough I stayed home from work again today- clothes, etc... just are too much and makes it itch even worse, so am just wearing a loose fitting tshirt and shorts, or sweats early in the a.m.
Thanks again for all your well wishes!! The surgery went well, it was just the extra 'special effects' I could have lived without!!