First of all a HUGE thank you to forum members for your help after posts on September 23
http://www.miniature...1 and November 19
http://www.miniature...1, especially the ones who took the time to e-mail me directly and follow up.
Brief recap: In the midst of a very successfully show season, Max had colic surgery July 9, 2010 for an impacted cecum. I think the underlying issue was actually ulcers, and indeed when the symptoms presented 3 days before surgery, the first thought was ulcers. By mid-September, he was still not eating well and showing signs of pain - pawing, parking out, lying down with feet in the air, etc. even while on Gastroguard. He went back to the hospital in November where he had several tests but nothing explained the pain (e.g. saw signs of healing stomach ulcers, but NO adhesions from surgery, no thickening of intestinal walls) and was sent home. Almost immediately he had another painful episode which may have been from being fasted while at the clinic.
What I learned mostly from forum members and what I am doing for Max now:
1. Max continues to get Gastroguard (an antacid) daily, but is now getting a half dose (2 notches on the tube) after getting the full 4 notch dose (for his 160 pounds) for 2 months.
2. Max is now getting 2 grams of sucralfate (Carafate) twice a day before his AM & PM feedings. This is a prescription medication for people (you can get from your vet) that forms a coating to heal the ulcers including those in the intestines. It needs acid to work, so cannot be given at the same time as Gastroguard. I heard about this from forum members but not from any of the vets that saw Max. It is only after being on this medication for the past month that he has shown consistent improvement.
3. Since grain will aggravate ulcers, Max's diet has been totally changed from his show diet and the diet he had to be on following surgery. He gets virtually free choice second cutting grass hay, utilizing slow feeders (e.g. Busy Snacker/Nibble Net) in addition to normal feeding. These feeders simulate grazing and may help to avoid or heal ulcers. He also gets a cup of Nutrena Senior Feed (a complete feed based on alfalfa pellets and beet pulp, with little or no real "grain") and 2 cups of soaked alfalfa cubes (alfalfa is very good for ulcers) four times a day. Twice a day there is Stomach Soother (also good for ulcers) and a bit of oil added, and at the PM feeding he gets normal supplements including Strongid C daily wormer. He was in the Pfizer Preventicare Program (since discontinued) which reimbursed $5,000 of his colic surgery, so he still gets his daily wormer!!!! I discussed his new diet with our local Nutrena nutritionist recently and she approved of everything I am doing.
4. Max has a half day of solo turnout, on grass if there is any, and also has a small run attached to his stall where he spends the rest of the day. He has equine neighbors in both places, my big horse Target sometimes, and various minis the rest of the time. He also has toys, gets lots of attention and seems pretty content. His stall is bedded with pellets/sawdust, which he shows no inclination to eat.
These days Max begs for his "grain", which he cleans right up, runs and plays like a normal horse, and has a very different look in his eye. I am not obsessing as much about him and am starting to enjoy all the minis again. And sometime last month when I wasn't paying attention, the two weanlings finally got healthy! Keeping fingers crossed for the future!
Photos from 12/31/2010:
Clipping was done during November hospital stay so he wears a blanket unless weather is warm like yesterday and today. Belly is after 4+ weeks of free choice hay/grass. His small run can be seen in the background.