Update on TB mare found in desert

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I am posting an update on the big TB mare that was found that had been dumped in the desert to die. We are still working on reading her tattoo and have lots of help with that, to see if we can find out who she really is, though she will always be 'Melody' to us.

The vet was out and gave her a thorough going over and I am posting here, with Susan's permission, as the horse is in her care, what the summary was regarding poor Melody.

"a good look at her teeth and doc put her age at 23+... he also said that first letter in the tattoo is a Q which is 1987 which is right on.

she has a problem with urine pooling so the infections will be CHRONIC. that may PARTIALLY resolve with putting some weight on but will NOT go away. there is surgery BUT even if she was only 7, doc said he wouldn't recommend it, it usually does NOT work.

she has arthritis in all four legs and will NOT be ridable even if we do get her back into shape. right now there does not seem to be any pain but she is several hundred pounds underweight and if we put that weight back on, it very well may cause her problems in her legs.

she needs a dental badly but would have to put on AT LEAST 100 pounds before she could safely have the anesthetic. and there is cupping in two places (the gum drawn away from the teeth) and she is holding food there.

she has a lot of sand in her belly.

she has evidence of probable cactus in her lips.

some of the problems would be fairly minor but some of them, even if they were the only problem, would be a serious issue... but combine them all and we have a mare that will be a constant challenge to keep healthy."

Sadly, the concesus was that it would be in her best interest to have her euthanized. The infection problem is going to be a constant battle for her and is one big reasons why she is so skinny- someone just stopped caring for her and then dumped her out.

Melody is going to get a few more days of food and LOTS of love - she will at least go out of this world knowing that she is loved and that not all people are uncaring and negligent, but arrangements will be made soon to relieve her of her sad conditions and let her go with the grace and dignity she deserves. Any donations that were made towards her care will either be given back to the donor if requested or turned over to another rescue that have been mentors regarding Melody and are very helpful and kind folks. That way the funds can go to another horse in need.

It just upsets me so that someone could not be responsible enough to do the right thing for her to begin with, but was ok with letting her die a slow and horrible death due to her awful condition out where she had no warm stable, food or water or a kind word and loving hand-no companionship or friendly voice .... and now the responsibility has been dumped on someone else to do it.

Ok, I am crying again now about this whole thing- it is just too cruel - I cant stand it.
This is so sad. Why do some people think an animal is just disposable? Why do they feel that care is just an option?
Well, it sounds like you guys did all you could, and she has been living the good life while with you (or Susan). She deserves to go out with dignity, and sounds like you are doing just that. I am sure she knows how much she is loved now, sounds like she is getting spoiled. A few extra days of treats and scritches will benefit her, and maybe help you guys too....

I never could understand all these people who get rid of (free, sell, dump, whatever) an aging or sick horse. they served you well, without complaining for how long? and you want to avoid doing the right thing at the time they need it most?
I will never understad how some people can treat animals. Thank god there are other people like us out there, who will help and nurture the ones who need it.
My heart breaks for you and for Melody...Thank you so much for all that you have done for Melody at least she will leave this world knowing love and kindness. The world needs more angels like you!

I am so very sorry. I am glad she is safe and comfortable and know she has help if she needs it. There was only so much that you could do. It just is not cool you guys had to be the ones to handle that hard decision.
I have tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry....that this poor mare is in such bad condition.....that she was treated so shamefully....that there is no hope for a cure.....and that you have to make such a hard decision. But Thank You for caring enough to make the right decision for her and to make her last days some of the best she's probably ever known.
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Hey, I just wanted to post to say "Thank you!" for updating us about this mare's condition. When you posted about her I was hoping that you would post an update.

Also, I think that you/they are making the right decision. It is NEVER an easy decision to make, but I think it's the right decision.
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Just a quick update.... the mare is out at Susans, who has been so wonderful through all this with this poor gal. We are still on the hunt for who she is, if at all possible. I hate to see her go as an equine "Jane Doe".
Laurie you said it: "It just upsets me so that someone could not be responsible enough to do the right thing for her to begin with, but was ok with letting her die a slow and horrible death due to her awful condition out where she had no warm stable, food or water or a kind word and loving hand-no companionship or friendly voice .... and now the responsibility has been dumped on someone else to do it."

But you ALSO said: " Melody is going to get a few more days of food and LOTS of love - she will at least go out of this world knowing that she is loved and that not all people are uncaring and negligent, but arrangements will be made soon to relieve her of her sad conditions and let her go with the grace and dignity she deserves."

Blessings to you all...... My heart goes out to you.
Melody is going to get a few more days of food and LOTS of love - she will at least go out of this world knowing that she is loved and that not all people are uncaring and negligent, but arrangements will be made soon to relieve her of her sad conditions and let her go with the grace and dignity she deserves.
Thank you.
It just upsets me so that someone could not be responsible enough to do the right thing for her to begin with, but was ok with letting her die a slow and horrible death due to her awful condition out where she had no warm stable, food or water or a kind word and loving hand-no companionship or friendly voice .... and now the responsibility has been dumped on someone else to do it.
How very very sad. I hope there is a special place in he-- for someone that could do that. Thank goodness she was found by your friend for some love and attention. I know your friends heart will break.
I am in tears reading your post. How "people" can be soo cruel is beyond me. I was so hoping that she could be saved. Everyone involved in rescueing this horse is to be applauded! She knows she is loved and that you gave all that you had to help her and she will spend her final days under gentle and loving hands and hearts. Bless you and Melody...
Beyond my understanding how someone could be so spineless as to just dump an animal like that. Thank goodness she will spend her last days in good, caring hands.

I can't believe that someone could do this. Thank you so much for giving her some love and good care. She'll cross the Rainbow Bridge knowing she was loved for a while.


[SIZE=12pt]I'm so sorry to hear that "Melody" has had to endure such extreme cruelty. [/SIZE]

I'm even sadder for you that you must now make the final decisions for what will transpire her since I know that you had hope that she'd pull through all that she's been subjected to. Bless you for being there for her.
The cruelty of humankind, they can't even have ignorance as their justification, they knew what they were doing
It makes me feel sick to know how Melody has suffered but at least she will have a few days of love and kindness before she crosses the Rainbow Bridge, thank you and bless you for all you have done for this mare.


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