Uw, hey, a question just occurred to me.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2004
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Lakeport, CA
I'm thinking of the way large hunter horses are turned out for inhand classes- neatly braided, English bridle with presentation/snaffle bit and a leather lead. Obviously you'd have to be experienced and able to avoid accidentally yanking your horse's mouth over jumps or getting the lead stuck, but is it allowed?? I've got one now for use in CDE vet checks and presentations and he'd look so sharp turned out that way.
: Plus the lil' brat would handle much better because he'd think he was working! LOL

I cannot find where is says you cannot use a bridle and bit...but I say that a bridle and bit wouldn't/shouldn't be allowed, for exactly the reasons you stated already.

Obviously you'd have to be experienced and able to avoid accidentally yanking your horse's mouth over jumps or getting the lead stuck
There are those who would take advantage of a bit, and yank it on purpose, to slow the horse between jumps... :eek:
It would be "opening a whole can of worms" so to speak, and make it a very difficult class for the Judges to determine fair or foul play.

That's how I see it.
Rulebook where I saw I couldn't find saying you can use this or not that. BUT I'm agreeing with the others I defintelly wouldn't use a bit in a jumping or hunter class.

If you want your horse to be handled better use a stud chain. Get him use to that in jumping and say ok its time to work now.
In AMHR, you may braid your horse for jumper/hunter. However, I have never seen a bridle used, and I would also have to say that no, it would not be allowed.

How about using a Shetland style show halter with browband? I want to get one of these for Mingus...we tried one on him at the Evergreen show, and it really complemented his looks. Bet it would look good on Kody, too.

Prime Design http://www.primedesigntack.com/HaltersA.html has one for $70 ( it's the second item on the page, so scroll down)
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We are definately no down here.. We aren't even allowed stud chains (now thats a can of worms). However my thinking would be No for the bridle anyway, much like you don't wear riding clothes when showing in a class (besides leadline) as you are not going to ride the horse over the fences.

What division do you show in that does not allow you to use a stud chain? I have never heard about such a rule. I have shown in AMHR with one on numerous occasions.

Oh, nevermind - New Zealand. I promise that I can read!
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