Verizon commercial with pony?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2003
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Has anyone seen the Verizon commercial that features either a shetland or a fat mini? It's silver dapple pinto.

This commercial annoys me :p The premise of it (if you haven't seen it) is three teenage girls watching a pony (whatever it is) eating a dog house. The girl who got the pony is disgusted that she got a horse, and her two friends got phones that they wanted. She asks what they have on them, and all three are in shock that she "actually got a pony" and one girl asks the one with the horse "Does it bite?" "Yeah".

Does it annoy anyone else? The fact that it's eating a dog house, in a back yard, and it bites. Great message to people who want horses or have them :p Personally I'd rather the horse than the bloody phone!!!
It annoys the heck out of me. The me mini is actually wind sucking! AARRRGG I dont even know what to say.

I just want to bop those girls right in the gut...
I feel the same.

There was a big thread about this on the main board a while back. Many here said it was all in fun, it's not like it would make people think ponies/minis are mean or anything.

Well, my husband knows many many people and they all know he raises minis. After that ad came out, he had tons of people come up to him and say they didn't know minis were so mean and they'd never want one, etc etc etc.

So yeah, that ad did make people think that. My hubby said he even had 4 people in one day mention to him how mean his horses must be.

Someone posted it a few weeks ago. I actually thought it was pretty cute! I couldn't stop laughing. And as far as the horse wind sucking... even if he was, he probably is a cribber on a regular basis and would be doing it at home if not on that dog house for the commercial. I think we sometimes dig too deep into this stuff. JMO but I liked it
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I didnt think it was funny. It was quite pointless IMO.
i thought the commercial was cute.

Anyone who sees it and decides not to buy a mini because of a commercial probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
My only thought was that the commercial was so shallow. I was thinking about how that girl should be greatful that she got anything. I remember Christmas times when I was doing good to get anything. And here she is whining about getting a pony? The thoughts about the horse being mean never entered my mind. Personally, I think it is very wrong of Verizon to even show this commercial as it only helps to promote ungratefullness in our youngsters. But that was just my thoughts.

I like the garmin commercial with the mini though.
I thought the girl was being a spoiled brat and thought the horse was too funny!

Elsa said it perfectly!
[SIZE=12pt]I laugh out loud everytime i see it...
...i own my own bussiness and see lots of people everyday and most know i have horses/minis and no one said anything negative about horses to me most all thought it was funny...i guess they understood it was just a commercial and got the point of it. most commercials are swallow as the point is to suck you into buying their product. IT'S A COMMERCIAL so i bet she really didn't get a pony or whine about it in real life...i guess i try not to look for negative things especially in a phone commercial there are so many other in your face bad things all around, like how some treat others in real life, those are the things we should worry about, put it in perspective :DOH! , remember JMO...giggling thinking about it again...Nikki [/SIZE]
It's. A. Commercial.

There's no violence, no nudity. No swearing or blood or gore. It amazes me what some people will get up in arms over these days.

I'm on another message board with someone who knows both the horse and owner, and she politely pointed out the horse is well trained, well cared for and loved. And as someone else said,

If you spend your life looking for things to offend you, you'll never have a moment's peace.
I thought the commercial was in poor taste. It didn't make the girls look good. It didn't make make me want to run out buy a Verizon cellphone. It didn't make the horse look good either. I think it was

suppose to be funny but I just thought it was stupid. I think this commerical could be up for Worst

Commercial of the Year!

i thought the commercial was cute.

Anyone who sees it and decides not to buy a mini because of a commercial probably shouldn't have one in the first place.
exactally, but what was the point of the commercial!?
There's no violence, no nudity. No swearing or blood or gore. It amazes me what some people will get up in arms over these days.

I'm on another message board with someone who knows both the horse and owner, and she politely pointed out the horse is well trained, well cared for and loved.
More beating on this topic...

(OK, my flaming gear is donned as I have a feeling that I am about to be barbequed here

Just a question to ponder: If that "pony" was so "well-trained," why not incorporate the positive things that he "knows" how do to in a commercial? He could bring her the phone she wanted in a gift bag...then she could call all her friends and says she got the phone AND a pony and seem somewhat grateful. As mini owners, we know that they can be trained to fetch items and interact with people in a positive manner.

Or, the bratty teen might not be able to find her ringing phone and the pony could find it for her, making her happy and grateful that despite being a brat, she is still loved AND she got the phone. A much more positive, helping, caring message is sent - I worked in print advertising for a while and it was all about portraying a positive image.

In that case, it makes a bratty, ungrateful teen look even worse. I am sure the creative directors can be open minded to putting a positive spin on things in order to sell more product IMHO... and mini owners who do commercials should be bold enough to recommend it to their creative directors.

And, just how does one get involved in commercials? Anyone who has done it? How did you get started? Do tell!


Silversong Farm
LowriseMinis- Then why did the owners agree to use the horse in such a negative way!?
If you spend your life looking for things to offend you, you'll never have a moment's peace.
That is VERY true. Too many people look for things to get their noses out of joint over and you know what? They're always successful at becoming annoyed. Personally, my hunch is that the vast majority of people who have looked at this commercial thought "oh, look at that cute little horse"
Yes Jill, but IMO they didnt do a good job. I didnt think ANYTHING of verizon phone when I first saw it.

Like someone said they could have been more positive.

It may be funny to some, but this is what it comes down too: verizon selling their phones.

Did that commercial really want to make you go out and buy a verizon cell phone?

Didnt for me...
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