Very Sad Night

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Im so sorry to hear about Lady have been praying for her everyday. My heart also breaks for you but I am so glad you have her baby for comfort.
I am so sorry that you lost your precious Lady.

She left you with a treasured legacy in little Dyna.

Hugs for you and Dyna as you deal with her loss.
I am so sorry for your loss - your story definitely brought tears to my eyes. Big hugs - you did everything you possibly could for this wonderful mare. She is running free now - and will be your angel forever!!!!
I am sorry for your loss. I know how you feel losing an animal you love. But you set her free from her suffering...that shows how you love her, she knows that too. Enjoy Dyna for what she is...a gift of love and a part of Lady that loves you.
My heart just breaks for you. There are no words that an take the pain of the loss of your precious girl away but I hope in time that your tears of sorrow will turn to tears of joy as you reflect on her memory and your time with her. Hugs to you and Dyna. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

So very sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers with you to help you through this very sad time. Lady was a very strong little girl and gave it all she could.

God bless,

Oh Lori, I was so sorry to read your message that the doctors were not able to save Lady. I can not even imagine the hurt that you are feeling, but I know you did the right thing for Lady. I hope Dyna grows up to be big and strong and gives you lots of love and good memories of your beloved mare. You have my sincerest condolances.

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I often times try not to read a lot of these posts, as they can get a person so down, but I had followed your posts. I am so sorry that you lost your mare, but have to say you were so loving to help her on her way to where she is running in fields with others that have gone on before her. I hope you can enjoy her foal and she will give you lots of love in return. Lavonne
I am so sorry that you had to make the decision to ease her over the bridge. I had to do that on Monday with my great dane Marmaduke, while I sat with him in the car, the vet came out to check the heartbeat, and I said that I hated to make the decision. He said something that might make you and everyone else who has to make that decision feel a little better about it.

He said to me that the animals are part of our family and that we are their careakers from day one when you bring them home whether as a puppy or an older animal, we love them, and care for them, and finally when it is time, the animals are lucky in the fact that we will look after them, make the choice and ease them through the pain, fear and confusion that they feel. That is true devotion and none deserve it more than those who have been devoted to bringing you joy, uncomditional love and happiness. It is the kindest thing for you to do.

This I am writing through tears, I am sorry.

I am so sorry you lost your mare Lori. You did everything that you could to save her and more. What comfort it must have given her to be with someone she loved. I know you love your horses very much and you always try to do right for them.

Please let me know if I can do anything for you. Do you need me to order anymore foals milk at the store?
I am so sorry , sad, and teary for you... I cant stop crying on your alls behalf...

I know its hard but you did help her go more comfortably... She died with Grace...

(((HUGS))) to you all...

I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore your kind posts. I did try to get a little distance so I could pull myself together tho. Life must go on and Dyna is that piece of Lady that lives on (and needs pretty steady attention
) I have tried to use the loss of this mare as an opportunity to teach the mini people around me (we have a local club) a bit more about the condition and what is known about it. I hope that our loss can help someone else avoid it and recognize it early if it strikes their horses. If even one horse is saved because of it then Lady's death will have a bit more meaning. Leia I appreciate your vote of confidence. One does start to really second guess the care they give their horses when something like this happens. Its hard to think it is random and I automatically looked at my feed program but the vet assures me that my feed choices are sound and my horses (altho some are a bit 'fluffy') are NOT obese. I'll let you know as soon as I talk to the vet about Dyna's feed if I'm going to need more. She has started eating hay (just the small leaf flakes so far) and drinking water so I'm not sure how long before she goes on pellets. I still have about half of the bag left so that should last another week (maybe, altho I keep having to increase the amount to satisfy her) I'll call you at work and let you know.
Oh Lori, I was away for the weekend and I'm just reading this now ... I'm so very sorry for the loss of Lady.

Hugs to you and your family, and especially little Dyna!
Thank you both. I am beginning (now that I'm past the initial shock) to feel very fortunate. How many people get a consolation prize when they loose a beloved friend? I am very lucky to have Dyna, she gives me something to feel positive about every day. We all know how much joy comes from watching any foal grow. For me Dyna brings more joy than previous foals since midnight feedings do tend to bond you a little more closely.
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