I am so sorry that you had to make the decision to ease her over the bridge. I had to do that on Monday with my great dane Marmaduke, while I sat with him in the car, the vet came out to check the heartbeat, and I said that I hated to make the decision. He said something that might make you and everyone else who has to make that decision feel a little better about it.
He said to me that the animals are part of our family and that we are their careakers from day one when you bring them home whether as a puppy or an older animal, we love them, and care for them, and finally when it is time, the animals are lucky in the fact that we will look after them, make the choice and ease them through the pain, fear and confusion that they feel. That is true devotion and none deserve it more than those who have been devoted to bringing you joy, uncomditional love and happiness. It is the kindest thing for you to do.
This I am writing through tears, I am sorry.