Summer is winding down and I'm getting back online occasionally to gear up for my winter projects. Sorry, I haven't been attentive to my fellow forum members
I hope you've all been enjoying the out doors and wonderfull weather we've had this summer like I have.
I'm working on another project to expand the mini horse project I started in our county. I want to include all VSE. There are several kids who take thier Donkeys to the fair but there is nothing for the kids to do with them, they are just on display. I thought it would be nice to combine the Donkeys, ponies, and mini Horses and have a VSE show and seperate them from the saddle projects, the saddle horse people won't even let donkeys do a showmanship class on thier show bill. And the saddle horse people give the mini horse people a hard time, they think it is rediculus that we have the nerve to ask them to add class's to thier show bills. I've never tried to deal with a rude'r bunch of people
( the kicker is the people trying to play boss don't even have kids in the program, & they charge sponsors for $15 trophies and handout a small $3 trophy and .50 ribbins). I'm really uncomfortable being affiliated with that group, So I'm working up a proposal to have a VSE show that focus's on things other riding, and we can turn the program into a positive, honest, and fun experience for all.
So My first question is what hieght classifies as VSE?
I'm hoping the height cut off is up to about 45 inches- This way there will be a place for those mini's who have out grown thier papers, those small ponies the kids start on then soon out grow and donkeys. This will be primamarily for none riding equine.
Is there a magic # like there is for horse & Pony (58 inches)?
Any suggestions and ideas are appeciated.
I'll be searching for class ideas and descriptions too, Esp. for the donkey part, I've owned donkeys but know Nothing about showing Donkeys. And I'll have to get and learn the rules for Showing Donkeys. If there is any one on the Forum who has a 4-H donkey program in thier county, could you please share your show bills and rules. Or direct me to a website that has them.
Thank you all for the help that is available thru LB - this great bunch of People who are always will to share thier 2 cents!
Summer is winding down and I'm getting back online occasionally to gear up for my winter projects. Sorry, I haven't been attentive to my fellow forum members

I'm working on another project to expand the mini horse project I started in our county. I want to include all VSE. There are several kids who take thier Donkeys to the fair but there is nothing for the kids to do with them, they are just on display. I thought it would be nice to combine the Donkeys, ponies, and mini Horses and have a VSE show and seperate them from the saddle projects, the saddle horse people won't even let donkeys do a showmanship class on thier show bill. And the saddle horse people give the mini horse people a hard time, they think it is rediculus that we have the nerve to ask them to add class's to thier show bills. I've never tried to deal with a rude'r bunch of people

So My first question is what hieght classifies as VSE?
I'm hoping the height cut off is up to about 45 inches- This way there will be a place for those mini's who have out grown thier papers, those small ponies the kids start on then soon out grow and donkeys. This will be primamarily for none riding equine.
Is there a magic # like there is for horse & Pony (58 inches)?
Any suggestions and ideas are appeciated.
I'll be searching for class ideas and descriptions too, Esp. for the donkey part, I've owned donkeys but know Nothing about showing Donkeys. And I'll have to get and learn the rules for Showing Donkeys. If there is any one on the Forum who has a 4-H donkey program in thier county, could you please share your show bills and rules. Or direct me to a website that has them.
Thank you all for the help that is available thru LB - this great bunch of People who are always will to share thier 2 cents!