How did they do on the stair?
1.17 mile this morning with Billy and Pepper.
1.17 mile this morning with Billy and Pepper.
I could only get them to put one hoof he stair for either of them.How did they do on the stair?
1.17 mile this morning with Billy and Pepper.
He is a handsome boy!1.17 walking billy today. We work on Stand while walking. He just seems insecure if he gets separated. Lately, instead of cueing him to back up, I've begun walking forward towards him, forcing him back to the original Stand location without saying anything. Today we had a good result on the third try. He stood there without trying to edge toward me! I even laid the lead rope on the ground and backed away. Only a few seconds, but it was success. I've been working on Stand ever since I got him two years ago and he just seems unable to have me leave his head by a foot or so. Of course, I haven't been WORKING working-- just on walks and on our little ground work routine.
Hopefully he learned according from his reaction.Jeffrey!! He is doing amazingly.
Billy, Pepper and I walked 45 minutes today; 2 miles. For the second time since I've had him, Billy nipped me on the arm on the way home. He was feeling frisky, tossing his head and dancing around. I brought him back to a controlled walk and he nipped me. I smacked him on the chest and backed him up--you would have thought I had tried to kill him. Never a dull moment...
Billy, Pepper and I have walked several miles in the last month. I've really been working on his hooves. They are looking much better. He needs his boots, as the rough gravel roads are now affecting his shortened toes on our walks.
After a session with the air compressor and bucket of water to tidy up, Billy wore his Tough 1 Santa things yesterday and we went for a nice walk in the neighborhood.
We didn't walk as far as planned as the road on our route was washed out from recent rain. Then, on the way home two neighbor dogs came through their shock collar barrier and rushed up behind us. One is a large brute that looks like brindled pit with some chow mixed in. He was rather scary. But they quickly went back in to their safe zone, though still barking like mad. Billy handled it well.