Wanna know why we moved to Texas?

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Just Us N Texas

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
DeKalb, Texas
Just talked to Claudia, my BFF in Kentucky. The roof on her barn isn't finished completely, and she is climbing to the top of it to put a tarp, or something on it for the next couple of days. She is too old to do that, I'm afraid she will fall off and do some damage. Anyway, as it is 17degrees and sleet and snow expected tonight, she is terribly worried about her horses, and since it is so cold, she knows the men won't be there to finish the work today. She is insisting that she will do something to get them covered, and if nothing else, she will use gates for stalls tonight, and she will get that roof covered! Anyway, that is too cold for me anymore, and for Jerry. That's mostly the reason we moved. However, we are expecting some strong to severe thunderstorms here tonight. Guess there's always a price to pay.

What is the weather like where you are?
Bright sunny and warm, expecting 85* today already got the shorts on.....gotta love So. Cal
They say we're in a deep freeze today. Strugling to get into the 30's with a high of 28. The horses have their yak suits on tho so they're prepared. We've been having some mighty fine spring like weather lately so I can't complain. This week we're heading to the 40's again.
What is the weather like where you are?
I think this pic might answer that question quite well!
Actually, I took this photo yesterday morning. It was the recorded low windchill that hit yesterday at 7:01am. We have been VERY cold and strong blizzard like conditions here, and even though for the most part the windchills were in the -40 to -50F range but obviously there was one good gust of wind that brought the low windchill down to -72F!! We thought it was bad the night before when it got to -58 and -65F so when we saw the temp the next morning, we were really surprised!
That is the coldest we have ever seen recorded here throughout all the years we have had a home weather station.

My poor girls from Texas just got here a week ago and are probably wondering what they did to deserve this! They have long winter coats but are sure not used to this weather! They have been doing surprisingly well considering and they have only had to be in the (unheated)barn overnight blanketed twice so far.

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Its beautiful and sunny 66 degrees light wind, I do hate the cold, I dont know how you all do it. I was born here in Florida and cold weather and i dont get along.
In Georgia it was cool last night, but is warming up. Should be in the mid fifties today.

But in Virginia we have an uncontained brush fire burning about two miles from our farm. The wind, luckily, has died down, but they are asking for more bulldozers to help contain the fire. No evacuations yet, but my daughter and family, who are taking care of our farm while we are in Geogia, are ready to head out if called. Between our farm and the fire are a couple farms and a small woods. We were really worried that the fire would spread with the high winds that they had yesterday. I think they are getting it under control today.
We appreciate Texas every day, we just love it here.

Just Us N Texas when you are in Sulphur Springs area come visit anytime

In Mo today we are supposed to have a high of 24, low 10 tonight and something is coming, might be 3 to 6 inches snow, or sleet, or freezing rain! We shall see? It is spitting now right now..

I am so jealous of you people in war, places!

Mona I am so sorry for you!! I know I dont want to move to Minnesota! Too cold!!
Mona!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you do that????!!!!!! I can't even

comprehend temperatures like that? That's not usual is it?

It'll be mid-50-ish here today with more misty rain.

We've had an unusual winter for the normally moderate

Pacific Northwest.

Had a few nights around 18/19 degrees, in January, but even the

day temps were in the mid 40's.

Our biggest problems are in Eastern Washington and the West to East

traffic that cannont travel regularly over the mountain passes because

of the avalanche control being done. They say the financial loss to

commerce is horrendous.

I'm just trying to get a new horse to this side of the mountains and not

having any luck as we don't want to risk getting stuck on the mountain.

Spring will be a welcome sight for many this year....in many many areas.
Also noticed the inside temperature was 70 degrees. That 145 degrees of heating bill. WOW.

Past weekend was OK. Crystal clear sunshiny skys. Temperature was about 75.

Drove 4 horses. Two singles and a tandem. Worked in the yard, planted a fruit tree.
Mona...had to giggle....we have one of those too.....

Waiting for our 6 more inches of snow today after the 4 we had the other day, and the week before that and .... :DOH!

Al B planting a tree...??
you are rubbing it in....
Well, just a little bit more of a "rub" or brag, whichever, when I went out to town for an errand yesterday, I had to turn on the AC. The sun coming through the window made it really hot! The past week-end was absolutely gorgeous here!
Sorry Mona....but I don't want to live where you do!! I don't like it cold! I was grumbling because we were having a colder/wetter winter than normal......but it's 50 today and sunshine!
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I'd love to be in TX right now...but come summer I'd be heading north...too hot way down there! It was only -9F here last night, windchills -28F yesterday afternoon. It's blistering hot here right now at 6F. I thought that was cold until I saw Mona's post!
Oh but Carolyn you are gonna miss the four seasons back here in Kentucky girlo!!
Yep we have been trudging mud & that wind yesterday bit like a mad dog.
Not exactly ideal weather to put a house on the market but what the heck - time to do it............. We lived in San Antonio for five years way back when Lee was in the Air Force & I gotta say I still prefer Kentucky weather wise. Of course we lived in a new trailer home and thought we were gonna be blown away from all of those tornado warnings............. The cold here is hard on Lee's body but we don't like the summer weather on the horses in the warmer states either.
No, -72 is definately not a normal! It was probably only that temp for a second or a few seconds while the gust came and went. It is common to get -20 to -40 below for a week or 2 at a time here and there throughout the winters, but thank goodness it is not constant! It's when the HIGHS every day are 20-40 below that it starts getting to you!

Today it warmed up to about +2F and less wind, so it felt MUCH better!

I really HATE the heat! I would be happy if summer never brought temps of over 75 with 70 much more to my liking.

Oh, and Al, we just had our heating fuel filled...was about 6 weeks worth since the last fill, and just under $1000!!! ($979 something)
We really need to winterize this house better, as sooooo much is wasted heat!
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We had a couple days in a row of -30 plus icy wind, just a few days ago. Yesterday, it was 5 below; today it was 20 above. The horses almost seem to enjoy it.
We had a beautiful weekend here, sunny and 70's.......started clipping heads

I did spend a couple of years in MO a long time ago, and have to say I LOVED having four seasons! Winters were the kind of damp cold that cuts to the bone but spring and fall were so worth being there. Spending most of my life in Texas we usually have a few weeks of winter, a few days of spring and then back to summer LOL. If I could pick and choose, I'd winter here and summer in the mountains of New Mexico. Or North Carolina.


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