WARNING about homemade feeders..

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I can't say what I want to. :no: :no: :no:

CHristine, thanks so much for posting this and warning anyone who would even begin to think of making these feeders. It sure doesnt take a ounce of brains to see the danger in them. :no: I am so glad he is on the mend and at your home. I am sure these feeders were posted on the forum at one time. Corinne
I think MOST people are overlooking the fact that the colt did NOT get hurt on the ends sticking out, but by sticking his head through the squares. That appears to be the same wire cattle pannels used for fencing at 90% of the farms I have visited. The breeders of the colt have been skewered when the same thing could have happened to most any of us.

I'm making no comment on the care or lack of care following the accident, but only on the product. If you notice, the one in the picture is new, unfinished, and APPEARS UNUSED. Hind sight is 20/20. Please be careful of how you judge.

I have done business with Christine and although I have not met her personally, I like her. I have also met the breeders of the colt (quite some time ago) and like them. I think Christine genuinely wants to warn others of possible dangers and I know the breeders would not have intentionally done anything to cause danger. Please think of what you say before you jump to conclusions.
I don't use hay feeders of any kind, or hay nets.

My horses eat their hay in a natural grazing position.

You won't find a hay feeder on my place anywhere.
I just wanted to comment on all the SHAME ON YOU commentators.

I went back and looked at the original post for this "TYPE" of feeder and not ONE of the commentators posted ANY KIND of warning. This could have been avoided if perhaps they HAD!

So I wanted to add my own warnings for feeders now. I do not use ANY type of off the ground GRAIN or HAY feeder in a stall with a horse that is less than 3 yrs old. I also do not have a halter on a horse that is not at the end of a lead shank.

Come on guys lets help educate.
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That appears to be the same wire cattle pannels used for fencing at 90% of the farms I have visited. The
I would agree with you on that it is used alot and I have seen and heard of many nasty accidents some ending in putting down a horse from cattle panels

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