Well-Known Member
He ended up with cornrows! Major grows a very thick and heavy mane. It pulls his neck to one side (the fact that he's overweight from the winter doesn't help). I usually hog his mane every spring but I didn't last year. I was going to this year but now it's all grown out again. It's soooooo pretty and thick and long and luxurious. So... what to do?? I decided to braid it to the opposite side. I was out of bands down at the barn but had some fleece strips I used in Clementine's mane to do a running braid for a parade. So I cut the strips into smaller pieces and now he has fancy rag tied braids. I'm sure he's impressed...
I love how some of the braids are "marbled". Can't wait till it's warm enough to give this dust monster a bath. 

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