Water Fasting

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I remember ALL to well last summer when I got back from the hospital after having spent a week and 3 days in ICU with Kidney and liver failure... After coming home and for a WEEK they wanted me to drink EVERYDAY 10 QTs.Really it was 8 to 10 Liters which is even more then 10 qts. of CLEAR liquids Can also be Sprite and such as that besides water... Now that is a lot of coming and going if you get my drift saying nothing about every hour during the night I sure did not sleep much during that time... But I got all the toxins out and everything is fine now...But my organs had such down for about 3 days I was about one day away of Not Being Here at all... This was all due to One kind of Strong RA Medicine I was on and nothing else.. But boy was that a lot of trips to the throng... :new_shocked: In the hospital I had a bag in place so I didn't have any trouble. But not at home...But it sure is nice to get ALL of the terrible toxins out as my was already turning yellow in color before I went into ICU...NOT Good at all... What the doctors were saying is try and keep Your Output, and I will put it that way
: pretty much clear~! And that will help at lot of ailments. :bgrin If it shows more color then usual just drink more water till output is clear again and so on..
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: Yep, I think so... oops... darnit... I think one just fell out...
Think what you want, but my big fat happy arse just got done with a big mac in one hand and chocolate shake in the other and dang I'm feeling good :bgrin
Gawd Marty you do have a death wish don't you
: :bgrin
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Holy Hanah!!! I just went to the site and one of the things I read is about being on the toilet for 1/2 hour to an hour alone in the morning :new_shocked: !!! GOOD GRIEF. I don't have time to be on the toilet for an hour and I certainly can't do that at work either, ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO.
:lol: OMG on the toilet for an hour? Man oh man your butt and legs would be asleep for sure. Thankfully, what i"m doing doesn't take me an hour or I would definately need to get a supply of depends!
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No kidding, Shirley. That makes me wonder who would put themselves through that kind of torture? I probably don't want to know. There's no way I'd spend an hour of my life on the toilet for fasting... and you can forget depends.
That sounds really interesting although I'd never be able to do it as I am hypoglycemia!

On the toilet for an hour and a half at one time? That's really not healthy...according to my readings and what doctors(of all different areas of medicine) have told me you should be speding no more than about 6 to 8minutes on the toilet.
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Wow ... it really shocks me that people I assumed were logical and intelligent would do this to themselves.

Fasting is really quite dangerous. I urge all of you who are doing it to stop immediately and eat something!

No legitimate doctor in their right mind would advise you to fast like this.

No one with ANY sort of medical background - human or animal - would advise you to fast like this.

No legitimate dietitian would advise you to fast like this.

Get the point?

These health scams are crazy. How many people have to die before the world wakes up to this fact?

I agree with Jenn! This whole thing is just nuts! And Indians fasting for three days to get their "visions"? Puleeze. Their blood sugar and everything else was probably so low, they were just hallucinating. (I'm really sorry I read this thread, can you tell?)

Surely the U.S. must have something equivalent to our Canadian Food Guide to Healthy Eating!? I don't think fasting is mentioned anywhere in there. And why do we have breakfast programs in school if eating real food in the morning isn't a good thing (and yes, I know, it's probably different for children....). And if eating small amounts of healthy food at regular intervals is so bad, then why do those who inflict torture on others withhold all food and give only water? Perhaps three squares and three healthy snacks should be considered...

ANY diet that eliminates ANY entire food group, not to mention ALL food groups, simply cannot be healthy. And I love the part about drinking so much water, but diet sodas and crap like that are OK? Gimme a break.

What can POSSIBLY be wrong with healthy foods, in moderate amounts, with moderate regular exercise? If we all did that, then all these stupid fad diets would be out of business, and the book stores could be half the size they are now.
I'd like to try this for about 15days (no way i could go 30 days ...i live 5 minute from wendy's and 5 minutes from Burger King ..no matter which way i go, i pass one of the other ..the temptation is to great!
: )

Can you do a mixture of both? Like a juice & Water fast? If you were to eat anything (such as peanut butter, i know it keeps you from getting hungry. Only like a couple spoonfuls) ..would it throw everything off?

Also, do you think it would be okay to do at age 17? I know your not supose to do diets young since your body is still growing so i kind of try to stay clear of anything serious like that. Would this be okay?
No kidding, Shirley. That makes me wonder who would put themselves through that kind of torture? I probably don't want to know. There's no way I'd spend an hour of my life on the toilet for fasting... and you can forget depends.

I think they meant to have a bathroom accessible for an hour NOT to sit in there for an hour. Nobody has that much to elimate, I hope.
: :bgrin

I wouldn't advise a young person who is still developing to undergo this or any type of fast unless medically supervised and to treat something specific such as an illness or extreme obesity. However, if you are looking for a way to improve your health or make some adjustments to get away from the standard american diet a lot of young and older folks alike are adopting a raw food lifestyle which is packed with nutrient dense foods your body can really use. Of course that means you would be willing to dethrone the Burger King in your life. :bgrin
Yep, I can just see it now, sorry boss coulnd't get to work on time, I was sitting on the toilet for an hour
: or better yet, your in a meeting and you are chairing that meeting and all of a sudden you get the "urge". Well, how do you explain that?????
: Sorry, be back in an hour?, ROFLMAO
My fast lasted an hour and 6 minutes. :bgrin

The pizza was to tempting.

I have the will power of a 3yr old.

It might have been some other person, but didnt Ghondi (sp) fast and almost die?
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