Aspiring Cowgirl
He looks so nice!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Susan, So he might have two cream genes? That would be really neat!! That would be the most darkest color of a double dilute that I have ever seen! I hope that he is palomino not double dilute!horsehug said:Thanks Everyone!
JJ, he might have the silver gene also because Gage is right..... his mom is a smoky silver (black with both the silver gene and the cream gene).
His dad is buckskin so I am sure he has at least one cream gene.
I am not Positive yet that he only has one cream gene. My color mentor, Carolyn Shepard of the ICHR, still "thinks" he is palomino but we are not positive and we'll see if his skin darkens in the next few days or weeks.
If it does not, he might be cremello or he might even be smoky cream. Both parents are on a black base and he just might be also!
I just hope we can figure it out without more DNA tests!! hahaha!
Susan O.
I sure will say she has changed!! Thats weird!! Well what ever his color is I like it!! I hope it dosent change to much from what he allready is!!!horsehug said:Gage,
Here is a picture (even if it is fuzzy...it is not a digital) of my smoky cream mare Doll as a foal with her mom.
She almost looked sorrel to her breeder and yet she lightened up a lot and has been DNA tested to have two cream genes on a black base.
That is what made me think of that possibility.
She was born a very dark double dilute.
Also Laurie V. told me that her cremello was exactly the color of My new little guy........eyes and all!
I was just outside looking and his eyes are still a very dark blue.
So I am still in the dark! haha
Time will tell!
Susan O.