What Baby Goat Says

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Northern Nevada
This is Baby Goat. She is the boss of the horses, chickens, rabbits, dogs and cats. If she decides my stud needs to be away from the mares she pushes him into a corner and makes him stand there. She also tells us when someone is near the horses or if they get out. The other day Jessie didn't lock the horse pen and came in the house to get something. She was going right back out. Baby Goat came and knocked on the back door with her horns amd would not stop having a fit until Jessie went back out and put the clip on the gate. LOL Anyone else with this kind of boss?

That is the cutest thing I've ever heard! We have a goat, Billy Bob, but he mostly just bangs on stall doors to get us to open them so he can get in or out and leans against us so he can get scritched!
How funny that is a cute story I raise pygmy goats but I haven't game across one like yours yet. Brittney

I absolutely LOVE both of the little goats. They are so cute. I want one. Afraid my husband would die if I mentioned getting another animal.
I am soooo jealous!! She is adorable!! I love goats but everytime I get one they run the small town I live in and I quickly become very un-popular!! The last adorable goat I had ate all the flowers at the church!! Boy were they unhappy!!
What a great herd boss you have!

I think she needs a hat that says FARM MANAGER on it!
OMG! Twilight ranch looking at the picture of your little one I thought I saw a ghost as it looks exactly like my doe Delilah that I lost this summer due to kidding complications.

So we just got 2 pigmy babies. I have been keeping them separate from the minis for their protection. Should I start introducing them with supervision so I can have a goat guard?


Jennifer and Jasmine
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I don't have one of those but I SURE could use one!!! how neat!!

I keep searching for my Great Pyr - so far none of my fosters have wanted the job of watching over the herd AND staying in the yard - I had the perfect protector at night - she was wonderful only problem was she wandered miles durning the day so she went to a home with 6 ft fencing...
how neat my boyfriend owns a goat, and he is the same way around the horses bubba is his name, and he thinks he is a gaurd dog. And he spends most of his time hanging out with the dogs. But he also watches over the horses, and if they are into something they are not suppose to be he sure lets them know! What a character he is!! I wouldnt trade him for the world! But hes also comical since he really believes he is a dog, he sleeps with the dogs, eats with the dogs, and does what ever they do!

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