What do you want for Christmas...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Orono, MN
What is on your list of things you'd like to receive as a gift that is NOT in any way HORSE RELATED nor PRACTICAL (as in stuff you need, so you ask for it but not neccessarily something you would normally want as a gift).

I'm getting a lot of pressure to provide a christmas list to Santa and am looking for ideas of things I might like that I haven't thought of.
Do you have a family ring yet, that would be a wonderful Christmas gift, especially to go with a brand new baby boy!
a mother's ring/or pendant of family birthstones would be a neat gift or maybe if Mary isn't into rings how about a special charm braclet with a special charm signifying each child and mom/ dad.
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What I want, but never seem to get, is a day/night/or weekend away. I want my husband to plan it, take care of the kids and the plans. Someday maybe I'll get my wish!?

Just a suggestion for next year--what I do is have a Christmas list going all year long for our whole family. Anytime I think of something I add it. That way you don't give the same list to everyone and don't feel pressure at Christmas time to come up with ideas. Of course alot of my stuff is practical--like a kitchen timer, clock for my barn, etc.
The only thing I can think of is a pool table. Everything else is usually horse related.

hhhhmmmmmm, Not horsey related. How about a weekend away for you and a pal. Wanna be my pal? LOL


Edited to add: Or a cruise!!!
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CLOTHES!For once I wouldnt mind some getting clothes. Also (this is kinda) cheating but Im ordering my show photos for myself!

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