What do your vets charge?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I am starting to think its time to find a new vet! I had 3 strangles boosters and a gelding done last week.

The strangles are $29 a shot

Health paper $20 a paper

And a gelding

Total bill $400!!!!

It was almost $100 for just the time they were out here. Yes they charge about $2.50 a min that they are here.

Coggins are up to $24

So much for going to a show this month. The show money just went to the vet.
We do our own vaccinations but we pay $24 for a coggins here too. Last year when I gelded my stallion it was $150 but fortunately our vet does not charge per minute. We have a flat rate farm call of $60.

I just got my bill in the mail yesterday...I paid 15.00 per Strangles and a one time Farm visit charge of 40.00 regardless of the time. I also get a multiple vaccine discount of 13.00 per horse when I do them all together. Had a baby jack castrated too and it cost 230.00. And I have been told my vet charges a lot, looks like I am luckier than you!
I do get my uncle to do my vacs but the vet has to do the strangles
I do my own shots but just had a normal castration done with 3 days stay at the vets just to make sure everything was ok and the cost was over $900.I had to rush home to make sure the check I wrote wouldn't bounce.I was in shock.Gotta figure out something better for next time.
That sounds like a normal fee to me! I've worked with a lot of different vets in a lot of states and that's pretty average.
Last year (almost exactly one year ago) I had a farm call (a set price we would never accept being charged by the minute), one gelding done which involved two vets, a vet assistant, iv's monitors etc, teeth floated for two horses, all shots given to the three horses, yearly exams for the three, enough wormer for three horses for two seperate worming times, sheath cleaning for two seeing as she was here, and a few other things and the bill was just over $700.00.
We've discovered we can save a TON if we give our own vaccines. I know it's not for everybody, but you may want to try and learn how. We give EVERYTHING ourselves, including the Strangles and the booster. We also do our dogs and barn cats. The only thing we can't give is Rabies.

Obviously, we have the vet pull the Coggins and provide the health certs.
That would be an incredible bargain here!

3 rabies shots for my goats, I brought them to the vet and it was almost $170 :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

They are the most reasonable around!

I normally figure about $125- $150 per horse for their shots. My dog just had his routine shots and it was $215 :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

The Northeast is expensive for just about everything but pay is good
That sounds like a normal fee to me! I've worked with a lot of different vets in a lot of states and that's pretty average.
Sounds about normal or on the low side for here... are you saying your vet bill actually stated a per minute charge? or that his farm charge and "time" associated wtih the gelding was avg that?

I paid 150 per gelding if all goes right we had some slight complications so one horse was 200+.

I don't mind paying he is a good vet (hard to find) knowledgable, lets me run a bill and also lets me "work off" my bill and most important no matter what the balance is on my bill or not.. no matter what time of day or nite I call him.. if I say I need you now.. he is here that is priceless to me!
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[SIZE=14pt]A regular gelding here is 150 to 200 (large horse) .... you dont even want to talk CRYPT. But I also work for my vet LOL so I get discounts... Rabies are 2.50 and Prestige 5 is 12.50 I think..... so it pays to have the job I do. I just got a colic surgery done on a 100 pound yearling and it only costed me 800.....[/SIZE]

Sounds O.K.- 2 weeks from now( hopefully)- I am having my donkey gelded- $225.00 and the farm call( not sure if that is included in the price $45.00) and 4 sets of shots around 300.00 and maybe looking at another gelding haven't 100% decided on my other colt yet. that is with out complications.
Barn call - $65

5-way shots -- $150 per horse

Coggins- $36

Gelding - $250 for routine, straight forward procedure.
Vet fees here vary;

Local vet #1: Gelding: $100 plus drugs...usually too much drugs!...plus an additional charge for actually giving the needles if she needs to give extra drugs. Neighbor got charged an extra $70 when this vet missed the vein with the first dose of Rompun & had to give a second dose. I got charged $20 for an IV of banamine and $15 for the penicillin--and that's in addition to the cost of the drugs themselves. Mileage is about $50. My total bill for 2 horses was $343. That's very high for this area.

local vet #2: Gelding: $65 plus drugs, no additional charges for giving extra doses of drugs plus mileage of approx. $50. Much better prices--only I called this particular clinic Monday of last week & asked for an appointment for gelding 2 horses. I was told the vet would call me. Now 11 days later I still haven't heard back from the vet. Coggins test is $15 for the lab, $15 for courier and $20 for the vet to draw the blood. So, $50 plus mileage if that's the only reason for the call. Health paper is $20 or $25

Vet #3: A friend of mine uses this vet all the time, even though he is well out of her area, and I can see why! I talked to him a few days ago & he's the one that will be getting our business this time around. We can either haul to him (about 55 miles? Gas will cost us around $40 I figure) or he will come here on a day when he has other calls in this area--mileage will be split & our share would likely be about $50-$60). A regular gelding is $35; on a horse 2 or older it is $55 just because he ties off the blood vessels before cutting and that takes a little longer. This guy is great at finding missing testicles, so he can geld horses that other vets won't touch. No additional charge even if he has to go right up into the ring to find one. Then he charges drugs at cost--and he doesn't overdose the Minis. While the horse is out he checks for wolf teeth and removes them for an additional $15. Then he gives a tetanus shot unless the horse has already had its booster for the year. The tetanus shot is billed at cost--no extra charge for administering it. My friend just had 2 yearlings gelded & wolf teeth pulled--$99 for the pair. Our two are going to cost more like $200 for the 2, just because they are both 2 year olds, both have wolf teeth to come out, and we will have them get the WNV combo shot which will be $30 each (same price as if I bought the vaccines & administered them myself).
Here is the bill broke down.


Examination/Min. $82.50

Penicillin Shot $9.50

Tetanus(which he didnt need)- $9.50

Strangles(3) at- $29.00 each


Castration- $65

Ketamine- $4.50

Rompun- $8.50

Diazepam- $8.25

Sterile Pack- $16.50

Farm Call(pre schedualed)- $22

Then because dumb dumb gelding decided to tear it back open, they had to come out two days later to pack him again.

so 4/25

Country Call- $26

Recheck Exam $18

Penicillin- $9.50

I dont do shots, but I do have plenty of family and friends that will do them. Plus I dont buy from them. I go else where and get them for about $13 per shot.

This is my first year giving strangles and they get that up the nose.
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Sounds cheap to me!

My vet charges way more than that for those things. A castration for $65 is pretty much FREE! I would be so excited about that! Castration of my last colt was $275 and I actually haggled my vet down to $180 because my friend had just had her stallion gelded for that price by a vet in his same complex.

Rompun for $8.50? I don't know how much Rompun is compared to Xylazine, but I just had my mare sedated with Xylazine and my vet charged $27 for it. Soooo you see you are getting a DEAL!

Here is the breakdown from my vet.

EWT (sleeping sickness and tetanus)-$6.95

EWT, Influenza (sleeping sickness, tetanus & Flu) -$12.35

Rhino- (straight rhino) $21.45

flu/rhino- (can be given with EWT) $15.60

Strangles-$17.00 (Pinnicale)




If I take several I pay 12.50 for Coggins. My vet also charges $30 total for gelding a mini.

I live in a remote, cattle ranch area, my prices are always going to stay pretty reasonable. Move to an area where there are more people and the price is going to go up.

My niece just moved to the outskirts of Denver and had a big horse colicing. Went to the vet got 10cc of banimine and paid $60, it doesn't cost that much here for the whole bottle! :new_shocked:
The gelding I cant complain about it did go down in price from about 5 years ago when I had one done. But that said, if they are going to be crazy on there prices the lest they could do is geld them as babies and when its a emergancy call not wait 2 hours to get here.
We had our Vet come out last Saturday, had 4 stallions gelded and 8 coggins taken and the total bill was 470.00.

Break down is:

85.00 for gelding each

15.00 for coggins each

10.00 for farm visit.

I consider my self very lucky for having such a great Vet!

WE have the best vet ever! No farm call. (they do charge one though its 40) We do our own vaccines, but the coggins are 30 and so is the health cert. Gelding charge is 110. I did just buy a bottel of SMZ 500 tablets it went up to 125.00 last year it was 75 I about fell over.

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